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Vendor - McAfee

Product - EPO

This source requires a TLS connection; in most cases enabling TLS and using the default port 6514 is adequate. The source is understood to require a valid certificate.

Ref Link
Splunk Add-on
Product Manual


sourcetype notes
mcafee:epo:syslog none


source notes
policy_auditor_vulnerability_assessment Policy Auditor Vulnerability Assessment events
mcafee_agent McAfee Agent events
mcafee_endpoint_security McAfee Endpoint Security events

Index Configuration

key index notes
mcafee_epo epav none

Filter type

MSG Parse: This filter parses message content


Variable default description
SC4S_LISTEN_MCAFEE_EPO_TLS_PORT empty string Enable a TLS port for this specific vendor product using a comma-separated list of port numbers
SC4S_ARCHIVE_MCAFEE_EPO no Enable archive to disk for this specific source
SC4S_DEST_MCAFEE_EPO_HEC no When Splunk HEC is disabled globally set to yes to enable this specific source
SC4S_SOURCE_TLS_ENABLE no This must be set to yes so that SC4S listens for encrypted syslog from ePO

Additional setup

You must create a certificate for the SC4S server to receive encrypted syslog from ePO. A self-signed certificate is fine. Generate a self-signed certificate on the SC4S host:

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -keyout /opt/sc4s/tls/server.key -out /opt/sc4s/tls/server.pem

Uncomment the following line in /lib/systemd/system/sc4s.service to allow the docker container to use the certificate:

Environment="SC4S_TLS_DIR=-v :/etc/syslog-ng/tls:z"


from the command line of the SC4S host, run this: openssl s_client -connect localhost:6514

The message:

socket: Bad file descriptor

indicates that SC4S is not listening for encrypted syslog. Note that a netstat may show the port open, but it is not accepting encrypted traffic as configured.

It may take several minutes for the syslog option to be available in the registered servers dropdown.


An active site will generate frequent events use the following search to check for new events

Verify timestamp, and host values match as expected

index=<asconfigured> (sourcetype=mcafee:epo:syslog")

Product - Web Gateway

Ref Link
Splunk Add-on
Product Manual


sourcetype notes
mcafee:wg:kv none

Index Configuration

key index notes
mcafee_wg netproxy none

Filter type

MSG Parse: This filter parses message content


Variable default description
SC4S_LISTEN_MCAFEE_WG_TCP_PORT empty string Enable a TCP port for this specific vendor product using a comma-separated list of port numbers
SC4S_LISTEN_MCAFEE_WG_UDP_PORT empty string Enable a UDP port for this specific vendor product using a comma-separated list of port numbers
SC4S_ARCHIVE_MCAFEE_WG no Enable archive to disk for this specific source
SC4S_DEST_MCAFEE_WG_HEC no When Splunk HEC is disabled globally set to yes to enable this specific source
SC4S_SOURCE_TLS_ENABLE no This must be set to yes so that SC4S listens for encrypted syslog from Mcafee Web Gateway


from the command line of the SC4S host, run this: openssl s_client -connect localhost:6514

The message:

socket: Bad file descriptor

indicates that SC4S is not listening for encrypted syslog. Note that a netstat may show the port open, but it is not accepting encrypted traffic as configured.

It may take several minutes for the syslog option to be available in the registered servers dropdown.


An active site will generate frequent events use the following search to check for new events

Verify timestamp, and host values match as expected

index=<asconfigured> (sourcetype=mcafee:wg:kv")

Product - Network Security Platform

Ref Link
Product Manual


sourcetype notes
mcafee:nsp none


source notes
mcafee:nsp:alert Alert/Attack Events
mcafee:nsp:audit Audit Event or User Activity Events
mcafee:nsp:fault Fault Events
mcafee:nsp:firewall Firewall Events

Index Configuration

key index notes
mcafee_nsp netids none

Filter type

MSG Parse: This filter parses message content


Variable default description
SC4S_LISTEN_MCAFEE_NSP_TCP_PORT empty string Enable a TCP port for this specific vendor product using a comma-separated list of port numbers
SC4S_LISTEN_MCAFEE_NSP_UDP_PORT empty string Enable a UDP port for this specific vendor product using a comma-separated list of port numbers
SC4S_ARCHIVE_MCAFEE_NSP no Enable archive to disk for this specific source
SC4S_DEST_MCAFEE_NSP_HEC no When Splunk HEC is disabled globally set to yes to enable this specific source


An active site will generate frequent events use the following search to check for new events

Verify timestamp, and host values match as expected

index=netids sourcetype=mcafee:nsp