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Vendor - Checkpoint

Product - Log Exporter (Splunk)

Ref Link
Splunk Add-on
Product Manual


sourcetype notes
cp_log None

Sourcetype and Index Configuration

key sourcetype index notes
checkpoint_splunk cp_log netops none

Source and Index Configuration

Checkpoint Software blades with CIM mapping have been sub-grouped into sources to allow routing to appropriate indexes. All other source meta data is left at default

key source index notes
checkpoint_splunk_dlp dlp netdlp none
checkpoint_splunk_email email email none
checkpoint_splunk_firewall firewall netfw none
checkpoint_splunk_os program:${program} netops none
checkpoint_splunk_sessions sessions netops none
checkpoint_splunk_web web netproxy none
checkpoint_splunk_audit audit netops none
checkpoint_splunk_endpoint endpoint netops none
checkpoint_splunk_network network netops
checkpoint_splunk_ids ids netids
checkpoint_splunk_ids_malware ids_malware netids

Filter type

MSG Parse: This filter parses message content

The Splunk host field will be derived as follows using the first match

  • Use the hostname field
  • Use the first CN component of origin_sic_name/originsicname
  • If host is not set from CN use the hostname field
  • If host is not set use the BSD syslog header host

If the host is in the format <host>-v_<bladename> use bladename for host

Setup and Configuration

  • Install the Splunk Add-on on the search head(s) for the user communities interested in this data source. If SC4S is exclusively used the addon is not required on the indexer.
  • Review and update the splunk_metadata.csv file and set the index and sourcetype as required for the data source.
  • Follow vendor configuration steps per Product Manual above


Variable default description
SC4S_LISTEN_CHECKPOINT_SPLUNK_TCP_PORT empty string Enable a TCP port for this specific vendor product using the port number defined
SC4S_LISTEN_CHECKPOINT_SPLUNK_UDP_PORT empty string Enable a UDP port for this specific vendor product using the port number defined
SC4S_ARCHIVE_CHECKPOINT_SPLUNK no Enable archive to disk for this specific source
SC4S_DEST_CHECKPOINT_SPLUNK_HEC no When Splunk HEC is disabled globally set to yes to enable this specific source
SC4S_LISTEN_CHECKPOINT_SPLUNK_NOISE_CONTROL no Suppress any duplicate product+loguid pairs processed within 2 seconds of the last matching event
SC4S_LISTEN_CHECKPOINT_SPLUNK_OLD_HOST_RULES empty string when set to yes reverts host name selection order to originsicname–>origin_sic_name–>hostname


Use the following search to validate events are present

index=<asconfigured> sourcetype=cp_log

Verify timestamp, and host values match as expected

Product - Log Exporter (Syslog)

  • This is an alpha release not for production use.
  • The syslog format from the log_exporter is the recommended format to collect checkpoint logs as it is more performant and efficient than its other default formats.
Ref Link
Splunk Add-on
Product Manual


sourcetype notes
cp_log:syslog None

Sourcetype and Index Configuration

key sourcetype index notes
checkpoint_splunk cp_log:syslog netops none

Source and Index Configuration

Checkpoint Software blades with CIM mapping have been sub-grouped into sources to allow routing to appropriate indexes. All other source meta data is left at default

key source index notes
checkpoint_splunk_dlp dlp netdlp none
checkpoint_splunk_email email email none
checkpoint_splunk_firewall firewall netfw none
checkpoint_splunk_sessions sessions netops none
checkpoint_splunk_web web netproxy none
checkpoint_splunk_audit audit netops none
checkpoint_splunk_endpoint endpoint netops none
checkpoint_splunk_network network netops
checkpoint_splunk_ids ids netids
checkpoint_splunk_ids_malware ids_malware netids

Filter type

MSG Parse: This filter parses message content

Setup and Configuration

  • Install the Splunk Add-on on the search head(s) for the user communities interested in this data source. If SC4S is exclusively used the addon is not required on the indexer.
  • Review and update the splunk_metadata.csv file and set the index and sourcetype as required for the data source.
  • To configure the valid syslog format in Checkpoint, follow the steps below
  • Go to the cp terminal
  • Enter expert command for login in expert mode
  • Enter cd $EXPORTERDIR
  • Then navigate to conf directory
  • Execute cp SyslogFormatDefination.xml SplunkRecommendedFormatDefinition.xml
  • Open SplunkRecommendedFormatDefinition.xml in edit mode and modify the start_message_body,fields_seperatator,field_value_seperatator as shown below.
<start_message_body>[sc4s@2620 </start_message_body>
<fields_seperatator> </fields_seperatator>
  • Copy SplunkRecommendedFormatDefinition.xml into $EXPORTERDIR/targets//conf
  • Navigate to the configuration file $EXPORTERDIR/targets//conf/targetConfigurationSample.xml and open it in edit mode.
  • Add the reference to the SplunkRecommendedFormatDefinition.xml under the key . For example, if $EXPORTERDIR=/opt/CPrt-R81/log_exporter, the absolute path will become:
  • Restart cp_log_exporter by executing the command cp_log_export restart name

  • Warning: Make sure if you migrating to different format, the earlier format is disabled or else it would lead to data duplication.


Variable default description
SC4S_LISTEN_CHECKPOINT_SYSLOG_TCP_PORT empty string Enable a TCP port for this specific vendor product using the port number defined
SC4S_LISTEN_CHECKPOINT_SYSLOG_UDP_PORT empty string Enable a UDP port for this specific vendor product using the port number defined
SC4S_ARCHIVE_CHECKPOINT_SYSLOG no Enable archive to disk for this specific source
SC4S_DEST_CHECKPOINT_SYSLOG_HEC no When Splunk HEC is disabled globally set to yes to enable this specific source


Use the following search to validate events are present

index=<asconfigured> sourcetype=cp_log:syslog

Verify timestamp, and host values match as expected

Product - Firewall OS

Ref Link
Splunk Add-on na
Product Manual unknown


sourcetype notes
cp_log:fw:syslog None

Sourcetype and Index Configuration

key sourcetype index notes
checkpoint_fw cp_log:fw:syslog netops none

Filter type

Custom port or vendor_product_by_source configuration required


Variable default description
SC4S_LISTEN_CHECKPOINT_FW_TCP_PORT empty string Enable a TCP port for this specific vendor product using the port number defined
SC4S_LISTEN_CHECKPOINT_FW_UDP_PORT empty string Enable a UDP port for this specific vendor product using the port number defined
SC4S_ARCHIVE_CHECKPOINT_FW no Enable archive to disk for this specific source
SC4S_DEST_CHECKPOINT_FW_HEC no When Splunk HEC is disabled globally set to yes to enable this specific source


Use the following search to validate events are present

``` index= sourcetype=cp_log:fw:syslog