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Email Security Appliance (ESA)

Key facts

  • Requires vendor product by source configuration
  • Legacy BSD Format default port 514
Ref Link
Splunk Add-on
Product Manual


sourcetype notes
cisco:esa:http The HTTP logs of Cisco IronPort ESA record information about the secure HTTP services enabled on the interface.
cisco:esa:textmail Text mail logs of Cisco IronPort ESA record email information and status.
cisco:esa:amp Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) of Cisco IronPort ESA records malware detection and blocking, continuous analysis, and retrospective alerting details.
cisco:esa:authentication These logs record successful user logins and unsuccessful login attempts.
cisco:esa:cef The Consolidated Event Logs summarizes each message event in a single log line.
cisco:esa:error_logs Error logs of Cisco IronPort ESA records error that occured for ESA configurations or internal issues.
cisco:esa:content_scanner Content scanner logs of Cisco IronPort ESA scans messages that contain password-protected attachments for
malicious activity and data privacy.
cisco:esa:antispam Anti-spam logs record the status of the anti-spam scanning feature of your system, including the status on receiving updates of the latest anti-spam rules. Also, any logs related to the Context Adaptive Scanning Engine are logged here.
cisco:esa:system_logs System logs record the boot information, virtual appliance license expiration alerts, DNS status information, and comments users typed using commit command.

Sourcetype and Index Configuration

key sourcetype index notes
cisco_esa cisco:esa:http email None
cisco_esa cisco:esa:textmail email None
cisco_esa cisco:esa:amp email None
cisco_esa cisco:esa:authentication email None
cisco_esa cisco:esa:cef email None
cisco_esa cisco:esa:error_logs email None
cisco_esa cisco:esa:content_scanner email None
cisco_esa cisco:esa:antispam email None
cisco_esa cisco:esa:system_logs email None

Parser Configuration

#File name provided is a suggestion it must be globally unique

application app-vps-test-cisco_esa[sc4s-vps] {
    filter { 
    parser { 