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Quickstart Guide

Splunk setup

  • Create the following default indexes that are used by SC4S

    • email
    • epav
    • netauth
    • netdlp
    • netdns
    • netfw
    • netids
    • netops
    • netwaf
    • netproxy
    • netipam
    • oswinsec
    • osnix
    • em_metrics (Optional opt-in for SC4S operational metrics; ensure this is created as a metrics index)
  • Create a HEC token for SC4S. When filling out the form for the token, it is recommended that the “Selected Indexes” pane be left blank and that a lastChanceIndex be created so that all data received by SC4S will land somewhere in Splunk.

SC4S setup (using RHEL 7.6)

  • Set the host OS kernel to match the default receive buffer of sc4s which is set to 16MB

    • Add following to /etc/sysctl.conf

      net.core.rmem_default = 17039360 net.core.rmem_max = 17039360

    • Apply to the kernel

      sysctl -p

  • Ensure the kernel is not dropping packets

    netstat -su | grep "receive errors"

  • Create the systemd unit file /lib/systemd/system/sc4s.service. Copy and paste from the SC4S sample unit file.

  • Install podman or docker

    sudo yum -y install podman or sudo yum install docker-engine -y

  • Create a podman/docker local volume that will contain the disk buffer files and other SC4S state files (choose one in the command below)

    sudo podman|docker volume create splunk-sc4s-var

  • Create directories used as a mount point for local overrides and configurations

    mkdir /opt/sc4s/local mkdir /opt/sc4s/archive mkdir /opt/sc4s/tls

  • Create the environment file /opt/sc4s/env_file and replace the HEC_URL and HEC_TOKEN as appropriate


  • Configure SC4S for systemd and start SC4S

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable sc4s sudo systemctl start sc4s

  • Check podman/docker logs for errors (choose one in command below)

    sudo podman|docker logs SC4S

  • Search on Splunk for successful installation of SC4S

    index=* sourcetype=sc4s:events "starting up"

  • Send sample data to default udp port 514 of SC4S host

    echo “Hello SC4S” > /dev/udp/<SC4S_ip>/514