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Current Experimental Features

> 2.13.0

  • In env_file set SC4S_USE_NAME_CACHE=yes to enable caching last valid host string and replacing nill, null, or ipv4 with last good value and stores this information in the hostip.sqlite file.
    • Benefit: More correct host name values in Splunk when source vendor fails to provide valid syslog message
    • Risk: Potential disk I/O usage (space, iops) Potential reduction in throughput when a high proportion of events are incomplete.
  • To clear hostip.sqlite file, set SC4S_CLEAR_NAME_CACHE=yes flag in env_file. This action will automatically delete the hostip.sqlite file when sc4s restarts.
  • In env_file set SC4S_SOURCE_VMWARE_VSPHERE_GROUPMSG=yes To enable additional post processing to merge multiline vmware events. Recommend also enabling SC4S_USE_NAME_CACHE=yes as many events can be malformed or missing host name
  • In env_file set SC4S_USE_VPS_CACHE=yes To enable automatic configuration of vendor_product by source where possible. This feature caches “vendor” and “product” fields from to use in determination of the best values for generic linux events for example without this feature the “vendor product by host” app parser must be configured to identify esx hosts so that esx SSHD events can be routed using the meta key vmware_vsphere_nix_syslog with this feature enabled a common event such containing “program=vpxa” will cache this value.
    • Benefit: Less config interaction
    • Risk: Potential disk I/O usage (space, iops) Potential reduction in throughput when a high proportion of events are incomplete.
    • Risk: misidentification due to load balancers and relay sources.
  • SC4S_SOURCE_PROXYCONNECT=yes for TCP and TLS connection expect “PROXY CONNECT” to provide the original client IP in SNAT load balancing