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Cisco meraki

Meraki (MR, MS, MX)

Key facts

  • In most cases, Cisco Meraki logs are general and require vendor product by source configuration.
  • For distinctive log messages, filters are based on the appliance name and program value.

Distinctive log messages

See samples in the vendor documentation.

The two conjuncted conditions are required:

  1. Program: (events|urls|firewall|cellular_firewall|vpn_firewall|ids-alerts|flows)

  2. Appliance name:

Sourcetype Distinct element
meraki:accesspoints host('MR' type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
meraki:securityappliances host('MX' type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
meraki:switches host('MS' type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))


sourcetype notes
meraki:accesspoints MR
meraki:securityappliances MX
meraki:switches MS
meraki vendor product by source configuration

Sourcetype and Index Configuration

key sourcetype index notes
cisco_meraki_accesspoints meraki:accesspoints netfw Filtered on the message format
cisco_meraki_securityappliances meraki:securityappliances netfw Filtered on the message format
cisco_meraki_switches meraki:switches netfw Filtered on the message format
cisco_meraki meraki netfw Filtered on vendor product by source configuration

Parser Configuration

#File name provided is a suggestion it must be globally unique

application app-vps-test-cisco_meraki[sc4s-vps] {
 filter { 
    parser { 