
App Framework Resource Guide

The Splunk Operator provides support for Splunk app and add-on deployment using the App Framework. The App Framework specification supports configuration management using the Splunk Enterprise cluster and standalone custom resources (CR).


Utilizing the App Framework requires one of the following remote storage providers:

Prerequisites common to both remote storage providers

Prerequisites for S3 based remote object storage

Prerequisites for Azure Blob remote object storage

Prerequisites for GCP bucket based remote object storage

To use GCP storage in the App Framework, follow these setup requirements:

Role & Role Binding for Access:

Create a role and role-binding for the splunk-operator service account. This allows read-only access to the GCP bucket to retrieve Splunk apps. Access should be limited to read-only for the security of data within the GCP bucket.

Credentials via Kubernetes Secret or Workload Identity:

Configure credentials through either a Kubernetes secret (e.g., storing a GCP service account key in key.json) or use Workload Identity for secure access:

Example for creating the secret

kubectl create secret generic gcs-secret --from-file=key.json=path/to/your-service-account-key.json

Splunk apps and add-ons deployed or installed outside of the App Framework are not managed, and are unsupported.

Note: For the App Framework to detect that an app or add-on had changed, the updated app must use the same archive file name as the previously deployed one.

Examples of App Framework usage

Following section shows examples of using App Framework for both remote data storages. First, the examples for S3 based remote object storage are given and then same examples are covered for Azure blob. The examples in both the cases have lot of commonalities and the places they differ are mainly in the values for storageType, provider and endpoint. There are also some differences in the authoriziation setup for using IAM /Managed Identity in both remote data storages.

Examples of App Framework usage

How to use the App Framework on a Standalone CR

In this example, you’ll deploy a Standalone CR with a remote storage volume, the location of the app archive, and set the installation location for the Splunk Enterprise Pod instance by using scope.

  1. Confirm your remote storage volume path and URL.

  2. Configure credentials to connect to remote store by:
    • s3 based remote storage:
      • Configuring an IAM role for the Operator and Splunk instance pods using a service account or annotations.
      • Or, create a Kubernetes Secret Object with the static storage credentials.
        • Example: kubectl create secret generic s3-secret --from-literal=s3_access_key=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE --from-literal=s3_secret_key=wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLE_S3_SECRET_KEY
    • azure blob:
      • Configuring an IAM through “Managed Indentity” role assigment to give read access for your bucket (azure blob container). For more details see Setup Azure bob access with Managed Indentity
      • Or, create a Kubernetes Secret Object with the static storage credentials.
        • Example: kubectl create secret generic azureblob-secret --from-literal=azure_sa_name=mystorageaccount --from-literal=azure_sa_secret_key=wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/EXAMPLE_AZURE_SHARED_ACCESS_KEY
    • GCP bucket:
      • Configure credentials through either a Kubernetes secret (e.g., storing a GCP service account key in key.json) or use Workload Identity for secure access:
        • Kubernetes Secret: Create a Kubernetes secret using the service account JSON key file for GCP access.
          • Example: kubectl create secret generic gcs-secret --from-file=key.json=path/to/your-service-account-key.json
        • Workload Identity: Use Workload Identity to associate the Kubernetes service account used by the Splunk Operator with a GCP service account that has the Storage Object Viewer IAM role for the required bucket.
  3. Create unique folders on the remote storage volume to use as App Source locations.
    • An App Source is a folder on the remote storage volume containing a select subset of Splunk apps and add-ons. In this example, the network and authentication Splunk Apps are split into different folders and named networkApps and authApps.
  4. Copy your Splunk App or Add-on archive files to the App Source.
    • In this example, the Splunk Apps are located at bucket-app-framework/Standalone-us/networkAppsLoc/ and bucket-app-framework/Standalone-us/authAppsLoc/, and are both accessible through the end point https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com for s3, https://mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net for azure blob and https://storage.googleapis.com for GCP bucket.
  5. Update the standalone CR specification and append the volume, App Source configuration, and scope.
    • The scope determines where the apps and add-ons are placed into the Splunk Enterprise instance. For CRs where the Splunk Enterprise instance will run the apps locally, set the scope: local The Standalone, Monitoring Console and License Manager CRs always use a local scope.

Example using s3: Standalone.yaml

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: Standalone
  name: stdln
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
  replicas: 1
    appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 600
      volumeName: volume_app_repo
      scope: local
      - name: networkApps
        location: networkAppsLoc/
      - name: authApps
        location: authAppsLoc/
      - name: volume_app_repo
        storageType: s3
        provider: aws
        path: bucket-app-framework/Standalone-us/
        endpoint: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
        region: us-west-2
        secretRef: s3-secret

Example using azure blob: Standalone.yaml

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: Standalone
  name: stdln
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
  replicas: 1
    appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 600
      volumeName: volume_app_repo
      scope: local
      - name: networkApps
        location: networkAppsLoc/
      - name: authApps
        location: authAppsLoc/
      - name: volume_app_repo
        storageType: blob
        provider: azure
        path: bucket-app-framework/Standalone-us/
        endpoint: https://mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net
        secretRef: azureblob-secret

Example using GCP blob: Standalone.yaml

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: Standalone
  name: stdln
    - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
  replicas: 1
    appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 600
      volumeName: volume_app_repo
      scope: local
      - name: networkApps
        location: networkAppsLoc/
      - name: authApps
        location: authAppsLoc/
      - name: volume_app_repo
        storageType: gcs
        provider: gcp
        path: bucket-app-framework/Standalone-us/
        endpoint: https://storage.googleapis.com
        secretRef: gcs-secret
  1. Apply the Custom Resource specification: kubectl apply -f Standalone.yaml

The App Framework detects the Splunk app or add-on archive files available in the App Source locations, and deploys them to the standalone instance path for local use.

The App Framework maintains a checksum for each app or add-on archive file in the App Source location. The app name and checksum is recorded in the CR, and used to compare the deployed apps to the app archive files in the App Source location. The App Framework will scan for changes to the App Source folders using the polling interval, and deploy any updated apps to the instance. For the App Framework to detect that an app or add-on had changed, the updated app must use the same archive file name as the previously deployed one.

By default, the App Framework polls the remote object storage location for new or changed apps at the appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds interval. To disable the interval check, and manage app updates manually, see the Manual initiation of app management.

For more information, see the Description of App Framework Specification fields.

How to use the App Framework on Indexer Cluster

This example describes the installation of apps on an Indexer Cluster and Cluster Manager. This is achieved by deploying a ClusterManager CR with a remote storage volume, setting the location of the app archives, and the installation scope to support both local and cluster app path distribution.

  1. Confirm your remote storage volume path and URL.

  2. Configure credentials to connect to remote store by:
    • s3 based remote storage:
      • Configuring an IAM role for the Operator and Splunk instance pods using a service account or annotations.
      • Or, create a Kubernetes Secret Object with the static storage credentials.
        • Example: kubectl create secret generic s3-secret --from-literal=s3_access_key=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE --from-literal=s3_secret_key=wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLE_S3_SECRET_KEY
    • azure blob:
      • Configuring an IAM through “Managed Indentity” role assigment to give read access for your bucket (azure blob container). For more details see Setup Azure bob access with Managed Indentity
      • Or, create a Kubernetes Secret Object with the static storage credentials.
        • Example: kubectl create secret generic azureblob-secret --from-literal=azure_sa_name=mystorageaccount --from-literal=azure_sa_secret_key=wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/EXAMPLE_AZURE_SHARED_ACCESS_KEY
    • GCP bucket:
      • Configure credentials through either a Kubernetes secret (e.g., storing a GCP service account key in key.json) or use Workload Identity for secure access:
        • Kubernetes Secret: Create a Kubernetes secret using the service account JSON key file for GCP access.
          • Example: kubectl create secret generic gcs-secret --from-file=key.json=path/to/your-service-account-key.json
        • Workload Identity: Use Workload Identity to associate the Kubernetes service account used by the Splunk Operator with a GCP service account that has the Storage Object Viewer IAM role for the required bucket.
  3. Create unique folders on the remote storage volume to use as App Source locations.
    • An App Source is a folder on the remote storage volume containing a select subset of Splunk apps and add-ons. In this example, there are Splunk apps installed and run locally on the cluster manager, and select apps that will be distributed to all cluster peers by the cluster manager.
    • The apps are split across three folders named networkApps, clusterBase, and adminApps. The apps placed into networkApps and clusterBase are distributed to the cluster peers, but the apps in adminApps are for local use on the cluster manager instance only.
  4. Copy your Splunk app or add-on archive files to the App Source.
    • In this example, the Splunk apps for the cluster peers are located at bucket-app-framework/idxcAndCmApps/networkAppsLoc/, bucket-app-framework/idxcAndCmApps/clusterBaseLoc/, and the apps for the cluster manager are located atbucket-app-framework/idxcAndCmApps/adminAppsLoc/. They are all accessible through the end point https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com for s3, https://mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net for azure blob and https://storage.googleapis.com for GCP bucket.
  5. Update the ClusterManager CR specification and append the volume, App Source configuration, and scope.
    • The scope determines where the apps and add-ons are placed into the Splunk Enterprise instance. For CRs where the Splunk Enterprise instance will deploy the apps to cluster peers, set the scope: cluster. The ClusterManager and SearchHeadCluster CRs support both cluster and local scopes.
    • In this example, the cluster manager will install some apps locally, and deploy other apps to the cluster peers. The App Source folder adminApps contains Splunk apps that are installed and run on the cluster manager, and will use a local scope. The apps in the App Source folders networkApps and clusterBase will be deployed from the cluster manager to the peers, and will use a cluster scope.

Example using S3: ClusterManager.yaml

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: ClusterManager
  name: cm
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 900
      volumeName: volume_app_repo_us
      scope: cluster
      - name: networkApps
        location: networkAppsLoc/
      - name: clusterBase
        location: clusterBaseLoc/
      - name: adminApps
        location: adminAppsLoc/
        scope: local
      - name: volume_app_repo_us
        storageType: s3
        provider: aws
        path: bucket-app-framework/idxcAndCmApps/
        endpoint: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
        region: us-west-2
        secretRef: s3-secret

Example using Azure Blob: ClusterManager.yaml

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: ClusterManager
  name: cm
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 900
      volumeName: volume_app_repo_us
      scope: cluster
      - name: networkApps
        location: networkAppsLoc/
      - name: clusterBase
        location: clusterBaseLoc/
      - name: adminApps
        location: adminAppsLoc/
        scope: local
      - name: volume_app_repo_us
        storageType: blob
        provider: azure
        path: bucket-app-framework/idxcAndCmApps/
        endpoint: https://mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net
        secretRef: azureblob-secret

Example using GCP Bucket: ClusterManager.yaml

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: ClusterManager
  name: cm
    - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 900
      volumeName: volume_app_repo_us
      scope: cluster
      - name: networkApps
        location: networkAppsLoc/
      - name: clusterBase
        location: clusterBaseLoc/
      - name: adminApps
        location: adminAppsLoc/
        scope: local
      - name: volume_app_repo_us
        storageType: gcs
        provider: gcp
        path: bucket-app-framework/idxcAndCmApps/
        endpoint: https://storage.googleapis.com
        secretRef: gcs-secret
  1. Apply the Custom Resource specification: kubectl apply -f ClusterManager.yaml

The App Framework detects the Splunk app or add-on archive files available in the App Source locations, and deploys the apps from the adminApps folder to the cluster manager instance for local use.

The apps in the networkApps and clusterBase folders are deployed to the cluster manager for use on the cluster peers. The cluster manager is responsible for deploying those apps to the cluster peers.

Note: The Splunk cluster peer restarts are triggered by the contents of the Splunk apps deployed, and are not initiated by the App Framework.

The App Framework maintains a checksum for each app or add-on archive file in the App Source location. The app name and checksum is recorded in the CR, and used to compare the deployed apps to the app archive files in the App Source location. The App Framework will scan for changes to the App Source folders using the polling interval, and deploy any updated apps to the instance. For the App Framework to detect that an app or add-on had changed, the updated app must use the same archive file name as the previously deployed one.

By default, the App Framework polls the remote object storage location for new or changed apps at the appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds interval. To disable the interval check, and manage app updates manually, see the Manual initiation of app management.

For more information, see the Description of App Framework Specification fields

How to use the App Framework on Search Head Cluster

This example describes the installation of apps on the Deployer and the Search Head Cluster. This is achieved by deploying a SearchHeadCluster CR with a storage volume, the location of the app archives, and set the installation scope to support both local and cluster app distribution.

  1. Confirm your remote storage volume path and URL.

  2. Configure credentials to connect to remote store by:
    • s3 based remote storage:
      • Configuring an IAM role for the Operator and Splunk instance pods using a service account or annotations.
      • Or, create a Kubernetes Secret Object with the static storage credentials.
        • Example: kubectl create secret generic s3-secret --from-literal=s3_access_key=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE --from-literal=s3_secret_key=wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLE_S3_SECRET_KEY
    • azure blob:
      • Configuring an IAM through “Managed Indentity” role assigment to give read access for your bucket (azure blob container). For more details see Setup Azure bob access with Managed Indentity
      • Or, create a Kubernetes Secret Object with the static storage credentials.
        • Example: kubectl create secret generic azureblob-secret --from-literal=azure_sa_name=mystorageaccount --from-literal=azure_sa_secret_key=wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/EXAMPLE_AZURE_SHARED_ACCESS_KEY
    • GCP bucket:
      • Configure credentials through either a Kubernetes secret (e.g., storing a GCP service account key in key.json) or use Workload Identity for secure access:
        • Kubernetes Secret: Create a Kubernetes secret using the service account JSON key file for GCP access.
          • Example: kubectl create secret generic gcs-secret --from-file=key.json=path/to/your-service-account-key.json
        • Workload Identity: Use Workload Identity to associate the Kubernetes service account used by the Splunk Operator with a GCP service account that has the Storage Object Viewer IAM role for the required bucket.
  3. Create unique folders on the remote storage volume to use as App Source locations.
    • An App Source is a folder on the remote storage volume containing a select subset of Splunk apps and add-ons. In this example, there are Splunk apps installed and run locally on the Deployer, and select apps that will be distributed to all cluster search heads by the Deployer.
    • The apps are split across three folders named searchApps, machineLearningApps and adminApps. The apps placed into searchApps and machineLearningApps are distributed to the search heads, but the apps in adminApps are for local use on the Deployer instance only.
  4. Copy your Splunk app or add-on archive files to the App Source.
    • In this example, the Splunk apps for the search heads are located at bucket-app-framework/shcLoc-us/searchAppsLoc/, bucket-app-framework/shcLoc-us/machineLearningAppsLoc/, and the apps for the Deployer are located at bucket-app-framework/shcLoc-us/adminAppsLoc/. They are all accessible through the end point https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com for s3, https://mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net for azure blob and and https://storage.googleapis.com for GCP bucket.
  5. Update the SearchHeadCluster CR specification, and append the volume, App Source configuration, and scope.
    • The scope determines where the apps and add-ons are placed into the Splunk Enterprise instance.
      • For CRs where the Splunk Enterprise instance will deploy the apps to search heads, set the scope:cluster. The ClusterManager and SearchHeadCluster CRs support both cluster and local scopes.
    • In this example, the Deployer will run some apps locally, and deploy other apps to the clustered search heads. The App Source folder adminApps contains Splunk apps that are installed and run on the Deployer, and will use a local scope. The apps in the App Source folders searchApps and machineLearningApps will be deployed from the Deployer to the search heads, and will use a cluster scope.

Example using S3: SearchHeadCluster.yaml

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: SearchHeadCluster
  name: shc
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
  replicas: 1
    appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 900
      volumeName: volume_app_repo_us
      scope: cluster
      - name: searchApps
        location: searchAppsLoc/
      - name: machineLearningApps
        location: machineLearningAppsLoc/
      - name: adminApps
        location: adminAppsLoc/
        scope: local
      - name: volume_app_repo_us
        storageType: s3
        provider: aws
        path: bucket-app-framework/shcLoc-us/
        endpoint: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
        region: us-west-2
        secretRef: s3-secret

Example using Azure blob: SearchHeadCluster.yaml

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: SearchHeadCluster
  name: shc
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
  replicas: 1
    appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 900
      volumeName: volume_app_repo_us
      scope: cluster
      - name: searchApps
        location: searchAppsLoc/
      - name: machineLearningApps
        location: machineLearningAppsLoc/
      - name: adminApps
        location: adminAppsLoc/
        scope: local
      - name: volume_app_repo_us
        storageType: blob
        provider: azure
        path: bucket-app-framework/shcLoc-us/
        endpoint: https://mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net
        secretRef: azureblob-secret

Example using GCP bucket: SearchHeadCluster.yaml

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: SearchHeadCluster
  name: shc
    - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 900
      volumeName: volume_app_repo_us
      scope: cluster
      - name: networkApps
        location: networkAppsLoc/
      - name: clusterBase
        location: clusterBaseLoc/
      - name: adminApps
        location: adminAppsLoc/
        scope: local
      - name: volume_app_repo_us
        storageType: gcs
        provider: gcp
        path: bucket-app-framework/idxcAndCmApps/
        endpoint: https://storage.googleapis.com
        secretRef: gcs-secret

  1. Apply the Custom Resource specification: kubectl apply -f SearchHeadCluster.yaml

The App Framework detects the Splunk app or add-on archive files available in the App Source locations, and deploys the apps from the adminApps folder to the Deployer instance for local use.

The apps in the searchApps and machineLearningApps folders are deployed to the Deployer for use on the clustered search heads. The Deployer is responsible for deploying those apps to the search heads.

Note: The Splunk search head restarts are triggered by the contents of the Splunk apps deployed, and are not initiated by the App Framework.

The App Framework maintains a checksum for each app or add-on archive file in the App Source location. The app name and checksum is recorded in the CR, and used to compare the deployed apps to the app archive files in the App Source location. The App Framework will scan for changes to the App Source folders using the polling interval, and deploy any updated apps to the instance. For the App Framework to detect that an app or add-on had changed, the updated app must use the same archive file name as the previously deployed one.

By default, the App Framework polls the remote object storage location for new or changed apps at the appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds interval. To disable the interval check, and manage app updates manually, see the Manual initiation of app management.

For more information, see the Description of App Framework Specification fields.

Description of App Framework Specification fields

The App Framework configuration is supported on the following Custom Resources: Standalone, ClusterManager, SearchHeadCluster, MonitoringConsole and LicenseManager. Configuring the App framework requires:

Here is a typical App framework configuration in a Custom Resource definition:

                description: Splunk Enterprise App repository. Specifies remote App
                  location and scope for Splunk App management
                    description: List of App sources on remote storage
                      description: AppSourceSpec defines list of App package (*.spl,
                        *.tgz) locations on remote volumes
                          description: Location relative to the volume path
                          type: string
                          description: Logical name for the set of apps placed in
                            this location. Logical name must be unique to the appRepo
                          type: string
                          description: 'Scope of the App deployment: cluster,  local.
                            Scope determines whether the App(s) is/are installed locally
                            or cluster-wide'
                          type: string
                          description: Remote Storage Volume name
                          type: string
                      type: object
                    type: array
                    description: Interval in seconds to check the Remote Storage for
                      App changes
                    type: integer
                    description: Defines the default configuration settings for App
                        description: 'Scope of the App deployment: cluster, local.
                          Scope determines whether the App(s) is/are installed locally
                          or cluster-wide'
                        type: string
                        description: Remote Storage Volume name
                        type: string
                    type: object
                    description: List of remote storage volumes
                      description: VolumeSpec defines remote volume config
                          description: Remote volume URI
                          type: string
                          description: Remote volume name
                          type: string
                          description: Remote volume path
                          type: string
                          description: App Package Remote Store provider. Currently supported proiders are aws, minio and azure
                          type: string
                          description: Region of the remote storage volume where apps
                            reside. Not required for azure.
                          type: string
                          description: Secret object name
                          type: string
                          description: Remote Storage type. Possible values are s3 (works with aws and minio) or blob (works with azure)
                          type: string
                      type: object
                    type: array
                type: object


appRepo is the start of the App Framework specification, and contains all the configurations required for App Framework to be successfully configured.


volumes defines the remote storage configurations. The App Framework expects any apps to be installed in various Splunk deployments to be hosted in one or more remote storage volumes.


appSources defines the name and scope of the appSource, the remote storage volume, and its location.


If app framework is enabled, the Splunk Operator creates a namespace scoped configMap named splunk-<namespace>-manual-app-update, which is used to manually trigger the app updates. The App Framework uses the polling interval appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds to check for additional apps, or modified apps on the remote object storage.

When appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds is set to 0 for a CR, the App Framework will not perform a check until the configMap status field is updated manually. See Manual initiation of app management.

Add a persistent storage volume to the Operator pod

Note:- If the persistent storage volume is not configured for the Operator, by default, the App Framework uses the main memory(RAM) as the staging area for app package downloads. In order to avoid pressure on the main memory, it is strongly advised to use a persistent volume for the operator pod.

  1. Create the persistent volume used by the Operator pod to cache apps and add-ons:
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: operator-volume-claim
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 8Gi
  storageClassName: gp2
  1. Associate the persistent volume with the Operator pod by updating the Operator configuration:
- name: app-staging
    claimName: operator-volume-claim
  1. Mount the volume on the path:
- mountPath: /opt/splunk/appframework/
  name: app-staging

A full example of the Operator configuration:

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: operator-volume-claim
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 8Gi
  storageClassName: gp2
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: splunk-operator
  replicas: 1
      name: splunk-operator
        name: splunk-operator
        fsGroup: 1001
      serviceAccountName: splunk-operator
      - name: splunk-operator
        image: "docker.io/splunk/splunk-operator:2.7.1"
        - mountPath: /opt/splunk/appframework/
          name: app-staging
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        - name: POD_NAME
              fieldPath: metadata.name
        - name: OPERATOR_NAME
          value: "splunk-operator"
          value: "docker.io/splunk/splunk:9.4.0"

      - name: app-staging
          claimName: operator-volume-claim

Manual Initiation of App Management

You can control how the App Framework manages app updates by configuring the polling behavior. This allows you to prevent the App Framework from automatically polling the remote storage for app changes and instead manually trigger app updates when desired.

Disabling Automatic Polling

To disable the App Framework’s automatic polling of the remote storage for app changes, set the appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds setting to 0. This configuration stops the App Framework from periodically checking for app updates and updates the configMap with a new status field.

Note: The App Framework will still perform an initial poll of the remote storage even when polling is disabled upon CR initialization.

appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 0

Manual Triggering of App Checks

When you are ready to initiate an app check using the App Framework, you need to manually update the status field in the configMap. The status field defaults to off.

Namespace-Specific ConfigMap

The primary configMap used for manual updates is namespace-specific. For example, if you have deployed a Standalone Custom Resource (CR) with the App Framework enabled, the Splunk Operator will create a configMap named splunk-default-manual-app-update (assuming the default namespace).

Example Standalone CR Deployment
kubectl get standalone
s1     Ready   1         1       13h
Generated Namespace-Specific ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  Standalone: |-
    status: off
    refCount: 1
kind: ConfigMap
  creationTimestamp: "2021-08-24T01:04:01Z"
  name: splunk-manual-app-update
  namespace: default
  - apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v3
    controller: false
    kind: Standalone
    name: s1
    uid: ddb9528f-2e25-49be-acd4-4fadde489849
  resourceVersion: "75406013"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/splunk-manual-app-update
  uid: 413c6053-af4f-4cb3-97e0-6dbe7cd17721

To trigger a manual app check, update the status field to on:

kubectl patch cm/splunk-default-manual-app-update --type merge -p '{"data":{"Standalone":"status: on\nrefCount: 1"}}'

The App Framework will perform its checks, update or install apps as necessary, and reset the status to off upon completion.

Per Custom Resource ConfigMap

In addition to the namespace-specific configMap, the system now supports a configMap per custom resource. This provides finer control over app updates for individual CRs.

ConfigMap Naming Convention:



  1. Creation: When a custom resource is created, a corresponding configMap is automatically created alongside other resources.

  2. Manual Update Check:

    • The system first checks the namespace-specific configMap (splunk-default-manual-app-update).
    • If manual updates are not enabled in the namespace-specific configMap, it then checks the per CR configMap for the manualUpdate field.
    • If manualUpdate: true is set in the per CR configMap, the App Framework performs the app check and resets the field to manualUpdate: false after completing the task.
    • For Indexer Cluster update, use the Cluster Manager configmap. Individual Indexer Cluster configmap cannot be used for manual app update.

Example Per CR ConfigMap:

apiVersion: v1
  manualUpdate: "true"
kind: ConfigMap
  name: splunk-default-s1-configmap
  namespace: default
  - apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v3
    controller: true
    kind: Standalone
    name: s1
    uid: ddb9528f-2e25-49be-acd4-4fadde489849

To trigger a manual app check for a specific custom resource, update the manualUpdate field to true:

kubectl patch cm/splunk-default-s1-configmap --type merge -p '{"data":{"manualUpdate":"true"}}'

The App Framework will perform the necessary app checks and reset manualUpdate to false once completed.

Reinstate Automatic Polling

If you wish to re-enable automatic polling, update the CR’s appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds setting to a value greater than 0.

appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 60

Important Considerations

By following these guidelines, you can effectively manage when and how the App Framework checks for and applies app updates, providing both broad and granular control over your application environment.

App Framework Limitations

The App Framework does not preview, analyze, verify versions, or enable Splunk Apps and Add-ons. The administrator is responsible for previewing the app or add-on contents, verifying the app is enabled, and that the app is supported with the version of Splunk Enterprise deployed in the containers. For Splunk app packaging specifications see Package apps for Splunk Cloud or Splunk Enterprise in the Splunk Enterprise Developer documentation. The app archive files must end with .spl or .tgz; all other files are ignored.

  1. The App Framework has no support to remove an app or add-on once it’s been deployed. To disable an app, update the archive contents located in the App Source, and set the app.conf state to disabled.

  2. The App Framework defines one worker per CR type. For example, if you have multiple clusters receiveing app updates, a delay while managing one cluster will delay the app updates to the other cluster.

Setup Azure Blob Access with Managed Identity

Azure Managed Identities can be used to provide IAM access to the blobs. With managed identities, the AKS nodes that host the pods can retrieve an OAuth token that provides authorization for the Splunk Operator pod to read the app packages stored in the Azure Storage account. The key point here is that the AKS node is associated with a Managed Identity, and this managed identity is given a role for read access called Storage Blob Data Reader to the Azure Storage account.


Steps to Assign Managed Identity:

  1. Create an Azure Resource Group

     az group create --name splunkOperatorResourceGroup --location westus2
  2. Create AKS Cluster with Managed Identity Enabled

     az aks create -g splunkOperatorResourceGroup -n splunkOperatorCluster --enable-managed-identity
  3. Get Credentials to Access Cluster

     az aks get-credentials --resource-group splunkOperatorResourceGroup --name splunkOperatorCluster
  4. Get the Kubelet User Managed Identity


     az identity list

    Find the section that has <AKS Cluster Name>-agentpool under name. For example, look for the block that contains:

       "clientId": "a5890776-24e6-4f5b-9b6c-**************",
       "id": "/subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/MC_splunkOperatorResourceGroup_splunkOperatorCluster_westus2/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/splunkOperatorCluster-agentpool",
       "location": "westus2",
       "name": "splunkOperatorCluster-agentpool",
       "principalId": "f0f04120-6a36-49bc--**************",
       "resourceGroup": "MC_splunkOperatorResourceGroup_splunkOperatorCluster_westus2",
       "tags": {},
       "tenantId": "8add7810-b62a--**************",
       "type": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities"

    Extract the principalId value from the output above. Alternatively, use the following command to get the principalId:

     az identity show --name <identityName> --resource-group "<resourceGroup>" --query 'principalId' --output tsv


     principalId=$(az identity show --name splunkOperatorCluster-agentpool --resource-group "MC_splunkOperatorResourceGroup_splunkOperatorCluster_westus2" --query 'principalId' --output tsv)
     echo $principalId


  5. Assign Read Access for Kubelet User Managed Identity to the Storage Account

    Use the principalId from the above section and assign it to the storage account:

     az role assignment create --assignee "<principalId>" --role 'Storage Blob Data Reader' --scope /subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<storageAccountResourceGroup>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<storageAccountName>

    For Example:

    If <storageAccountResourceGroup> is splunkOperatorResourceGroup and <storageAccountName> is mystorageaccount, the command would be:

     az role assignment create --assignee "f0f04120-6a36-49bc--**************" --role 'Storage Blob Data Reader' --scope /subscriptions/f428689e-c379-4712--**************/resourceGroups/splunkOperatorResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/mystorageaccount

    After this command, you can use the App Framework for Azure Blob without secrets.

Azure Blob Authorization Recommendations:

Setup Azure Blob Access with Azure Workload Identity

Azure Workload Identity provides a Kubernetes-native approach to authenticate workloads running in your cluster to Azure services, such as Azure Blob Storage, without managing credentials manually. This section outlines how to set up Azure Workload Identity to securely access Azure Blob Storage from the Splunk Operator running on AKS.


Steps to Assign Azure Workload Identity:

  1. Create an Azure Resource Group

     az group create --name splunkOperatorWorkloadIdentityRG --location westus2
  2. Create AKS Cluster with Azure Workload Identity Enabled

     az aks create -g splunkOperatorWorkloadIdentityRG -n splunkOperatorWICluster --enable-oidc-issuer --enable-managed-identity


    • --enable-oidc-issuer: Enables the OIDC issuer required for Workload Identity.
    • --enable-managed-identity: Enables Managed Identity for the cluster.
  3. Get Credentials to Access Cluster

     az aks get-credentials --resource-group splunkOperatorWorkloadIdentityRG --name splunkOperatorWICluster
  4. Install Azure AD Workload Identity in Kubernetes

    Azure AD Workload Identity requires installing specific components into your Kubernetes cluster.

    Using Helm:

     helm repo add azure-workload-identity https://azure.github.io/azure-workload-identity/charts
     helm repo update
     # Create a namespace for workload identity (optional but recommended)
     kubectl create namespace workload-identity-system
     # Install the Azure Workload Identity Helm chart
     helm install azure-workload-identity azure-workload-identity/azure-workload-identity \
       --namespace workload-identity-system \
       --set azureIdentityBindingSelector="splunk-operator"


    • azureIdentityBindingSelector: Selector used to bind AzureIdentityBinding resources to specific Kubernetes service accounts. In this case, it’s set to "splunk-operator".
  5. Create a User-Assigned Managed Identity

     az identity create \
       --name splunkOperatorWIIdentity \
       --resource-group splunkOperatorWorkloadIdentityRG \
       --location westus2

    Retrieve Managed Identity Details:

     az identity show \
       --name splunkOperatorWIIdentity \
       --resource-group splunkOperatorWorkloadIdentityRG \
       --query "{clientId: clientId, principalId: principalId, id: id}" \
       --output json

    Sample Output:

       "clientId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
       "principalId": "yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy",
       "id": "/subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/splunkOperatorWorkloadIdentityRG/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/splunkOperatorWIIdentity"
  6. Assign the Storage Blob Data Contributor Role to the Managed Identity

     az role assignment create \
       --assignee <clientId> \
       --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" \
       --scope /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<storageAccountResourceGroup>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<storageAccountName>


     az role assignment create \
       --assignee "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" \
       --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" \
       --scope /subscriptions/f428689e-c379-4712--**************/resourceGroups/splunkOperatorResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/mystorageaccount
  7. Create Kubernetes Service Account for Splunk Operator

    Create a Kubernetes Service Account annotated to use Azure Workload Identity.

     # splunk-operator-wi-serviceaccount.yaml
     apiVersion: v1
     kind: ServiceAccount
       name: bucket-admin-test-wi
       namespace: your-splunk-operator-namespace
         azure.workload.identity/client-id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx # clientId from the Managed Identity

    Apply the Service Account:

     kubectl apply -f splunk-operator-wi-serviceaccount.yaml
  8. Create AzureIdentity and AzureIdentityBinding Resources

    These resources link the Kubernetes Service Account to the Azure Managed Identity.

     # azureidentity-wi.yaml
     apiVersion: workloadidentity.azure.com/v1alpha1
     kind: AzureIdentity
       name: splunkOperatorWIIdentity
       namespace: workload-identity-system
       type: 0 # 0 for User Assigned Managed Identity
       resourceID: /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/splunkOperatorWorkloadIdentityRG/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/splunkOperatorWIIdentity
       clientID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx # clientId from the Managed Identity
     # azureidentitybinding-wi.yaml
     apiVersion: workloadidentity.azure.com/v1alpha1
     kind: AzureIdentityBinding
       name: splunkOperatorWIIdentityBinding
       namespace: workload-identity-system
       azureIdentity: splunkOperatorWIIdentity
       selector: splunk-operator-wi

    Apply the Resources:

     kubectl apply -f azureidentity-wi.yaml
     kubectl apply -f azureidentitybinding-wi.yaml
  9. Annotate Kubernetes Service Account to Use Workload Identity

    Update the Splunk Operator Deployment to use the annotated Service Account.

     # splunk-operator-deployment-wi.yaml
     apiVersion: apps/v1
     kind: Deployment
       name: splunk-operator
       namespace: your-splunk-operator-namespace
         app: splunk-operator
       replicas: 1
           app: splunk-operator
             app: splunk-operator
             azure.workload.identity/use: "true"
           serviceAccountName: bucket-admin-test-wi
           - name: splunk-operator
             image: your-splunk-operator-image
             # ... other configurations

    Apply the Updated Deployment:

     kubectl apply -f splunk-operator-deployment-wi.yaml
  10. Verify the Setup

    • Check Pod Annotations:

        kubectl get pods -n your-splunk-operator-namespace -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.annotations}'

      You should see an annotation similar to:

          "azure.workload.identity/use": "true"
    • Test Azure Blob Storage Access from the Pod:

        kubectl exec -it <splunk-operator-pod> -n your-splunk-operator-namespace -- /bin/bash

      Inside the pod, use the Azure CLI or Azure SDK to list blobs:

        az storage blob list --account-name mystorageaccount --container-name mycontainer --output table

      Note: Ensure that the Azure CLI is installed in the pod or use appropriate Azure SDK commands within your application code.

    • Check Logs for Authentication Success:

        kubectl logs deployment/splunk-operator -n your-splunk-operator-namespace

      Look for log entries indicating successful authentication and blob storage access.

Azure Workload Identity Authorization Recommendations:

Azure Workload Identity Authorization Recommendations:

Azure Workload Identity allows you to assign IAM roles at more granular levels, enhancing security by limiting access only to the necessary resources.

Benefits of Using Azure Workload Identity:

Comparison Between Managed Identity and Workload Identity:

Feature Managed Identity Workload Identity
Scope Tied to the Azure resource (e.g., AKS node) Tied to Kubernetes Service Accounts
Credential Management Azure manages credentials Kubernetes manages Service Account credentials
Flexibility Limited to Azure resources More flexible, integrates with Kubernetes-native identities
Granularity Role assignments at Azure resource level Role assignments at Kubernetes namespace or service account level
Use Cases Simple scenarios where workloads share identities Complex scenarios requiring granular access controls

When to Use Which:

Setup Google Cloud Storage Access for App Framework

The Splunk Operator requires access to Google Cloud Storage (GCS) buckets to retrieve app packages and add-ons. You can configure this access using one of the following two methods:

  1. Using a Kubernetes Secret with a GCP Service Account JSON Key File
  2. Using Workload Identity for Secure Access Without Service Account Keys


Before proceeding, ensure you have the following:

Option 1: Using a Kubernetes Secret for GCP Access

Setup Google Cloud Storage Access for App Framework

The Splunk Operator requires access to Google Cloud Storage (GCS) buckets to retrieve app packages and add-ons. You can configure this access using one of the following two methods:

  1. Using a Kubernetes Secret with a GCP Service Account JSON Key File
  2. Using Workload Identity for Secure Access Without Service Account Keys


Before proceeding, ensure you have the following:

Option 1: Using a Kubernetes Secret for GCP Access

This method involves creating a Kubernetes Secret that stores a GCP service account JSON key file. The Splunk Operator will use this secret to authenticate and access the GCS bucket.

Steps to Configure Access Using a Kubernetes Secret

  1. Create a GCP Service Account

    • Navigate to GCP Console:
    • Create Service Account:
      • Navigate to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts.
      • Click Create Service Account.
      • Service Account Details:
        • Name: splunk-app-framework-sa
        • Description: (Optional) e.g., Service account for Splunk Operator to access GCS buckets
      • Click Create and Continue.
    • Grant Service Account Permissions:
      • Assign the Storage Object Viewer role to grant read access to the required GCS buckets.
      • Click Done.
  2. Download the Service Account Key

    • Locate the Service Account:
      • In the Service Accounts page, find splunk-app-framework-sa.
    • Generate Key:
      • Click on Actions (⋮) > Manage Keys.
      • Click Add Key > Create New Key.
      • Key Type: Select JSON.
      • Click Create.
      • A JSON key file (splunk-app-framework-sa-key.json) will be downloaded. Store this file securely, as it contains sensitive credentials.
  3. Create a Kubernetes Secret

    • Upload the Service Account Key as a Secret:
      • Use the downloaded JSON key file to create a Kubernetes Secret in the namespace where the Splunk Operator is installed (e.g., splunk-operator).
      kubectl create secret generic gcs-secret \
        --from-file=key.json=/path/to/splunk-app-framework-sa-key.json \
        -n splunk-operator
      • Parameters:
        • gcs-secret: Name of the Kubernetes Secret.
        • /path/to/splunk-app-framework-sa-key.json: Path to your downloaded JSON key file.
        • -n splunk-operator: Namespace where the Splunk Operator is deployed.
  4. Configure Splunk Operator to Use the Kubernetes Secret

    • Update Custom Resource Definition (CRD):
      • Ensure that your Splunk Operator’s CRD references the gcs-secret for GCS access.
      apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v3
      kind: Standalone
        name: example-splunk-app
        namespace: splunk-operator
            appInstallPeriodSeconds: 90
            - location: c3appfw-idxc-mj00
              name: appframework-idxc-clusterypt
                esDefaults: {}
              scope: cluster
              volumeName: appframework-test-volume-idxc-k3r
            appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 60
                esDefaults: {}
              scope: cluster
              volumeName: appframework-test-volume-idxc-k3r
            installMaxRetries: 2
            - endpoint: https://storage.googleapis.com
              name: appframework-test-volume-idxc-k3r
              path: splk-integration-test-bucket
              provider: gcp
              region: ""
              secretRef: splunk-s3-index-masterc3appfw-iwz-vzv
              storageType: gcs
        # ... other configurations
      • Explanation of Key Fields:
        • secretRef: References the Kubernetes Secret (gcs-secret) created earlier, allowing the Splunk Operator to access the GCS bucket securely without embedding credentials directly in the CRD.
        • endpoint: Specifies the GCS endpoint.
        • path: Path to the GCS bucket (splk-integration-test-bucket in this example).
        • provider: Specifies the cloud provider (gcp for Google Cloud Platform).
        • storageType: Indicates the type of storage (gcs for Google Cloud Storage).
  5. Deploy or Update Splunk Operator Resources

    • Apply the Updated CRD:

      kubectl apply -f splunk-app-crd.yaml
      • Replace splunk-app-crd.yaml with the path to your updated CRD file.
  6. Verify the Configuration

    • Check Pods:

      kubectl get pods -n splunk-operator
      • Ensure that the Splunk Operator pods are running without errors.
    • Inspect Logs:

      kubectl logs <splunk-operator-pod-name> -n splunk-operator
      • Look for logs indicating successful access to the GCS bucket.

Security Recommendations

Option 2: Using Workload Identity for GCP Access

Workload Identity allows Kubernetes workloads to authenticate to GCP services without the need for managing service account keys. This method leverages GCP’s Workload Identity to securely bind Kubernetes service accounts to GCP service accounts.

Advantages of Using Workload Identity

Steps to Configure Access Using Workload Identity

  1. Enable Workload Identity on Your GKE Cluster

    • Prerequisite: Ensure your GKE cluster is created with Workload Identity enabled. If not, enable it during cluster creation or update an existing cluster.

    • During Cluster Creation:

      gcloud container clusters create splunkOperatorWICluster \
        --resource-group splunkOperatorWorkloadIdentityRG \
        --workload-pool=<PROJECT_ID>.svc.id.goog \
      • Replace <PROJECT_ID> with your GCP project ID.
    • For Existing Clusters:

      gcloud container clusters update splunkOperatorWICluster \
        --resource-group splunkOperatorWorkloadIdentityRG \
      • Note: Enabling Workload Identity on an existing cluster might require cluster reconfiguration and could lead to temporary downtime.
  2. Create a GCP Service Account and Assign Permissions

    • Create Service Account:

      gcloud iam service-accounts create splunk-app-framework-sa \
        --display-name "Splunk App Framework Service Account"
    • Grant Required Roles:

      gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <PROJECT_ID> \
        --member "serviceAccount:splunk-app-framework-sa@<PROJECT_ID>.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \
        --role "roles/storage.objectViewer"
      • Replace <PROJECT_ID> with your GCP project ID.
  3. Create a Kubernetes Service Account

    • Define Service Account:

      kubectl create serviceaccount splunk-operator-sa \
        -n splunk-operator
      • Parameters:
        • splunk-operator-sa: Name of the Kubernetes Service Account.
        • -n splunk-operator: Namespace where the Splunk Operator is deployed.
  4. Associate the GCP Service Account with the Kubernetes Service Account

    • Establish IAM Policy Binding:

      gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding splunk-app-framework-sa@<PROJECT_ID>.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
        --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
        --member "serviceAccount:<PROJECT_ID>.svc.id.goog[splunk-operator/splunk-operator-sa]"
      • Parameters:
        • <PROJECT_ID>: Your GCP project ID.
        • splunk-operator: Kubernetes namespace.
        • splunk-operator-sa: Kubernetes Service Account name.
  5. Annotate the Kubernetes Service Account

    • Add Annotation to Link Service Accounts:

      kubectl annotate serviceaccount splunk-operator-sa \
        --namespace splunk-operator \
      • Parameters:
        • splunk-operator-sa: Kubernetes Service Account name.
        • splunk-operator: Kubernetes namespace.
        • <PROJECT_ID>: Your GCP project ID.
  6. Update Splunk Operator Deployment to Use the Annotated Service Account

    • Modify Deployment YAML:

      Replace the existing deployment configuration with the following YAML to use the annotated Kubernetes Service Account (splunk-operator-sa):

      # splunk-operator-deployment-wi.yaml
      apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v3
      kind: Standalone
        name: example-splunk-app
        namespace: splunk-operator
        serviceAccount: splunk-operator-sa
            appInstallPeriodSeconds: 90
            - location: c3appfw-idxc-mj00
              name: appframework-idxc-clusterypt
                esDefaults: {}
              scope: cluster
              volumeName: appframework-test-volume-idxc-k3r
            appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 60
                esDefaults: {}
              scope: cluster
              volumeName: appframework-test-volume-idxc-k3r
            installMaxRetries: 2
            - endpoint: https://storage.googleapis.com
              name: appframework-test-volume-idxc-k3r
              path: splk-integration-test-bucket
              provider: gcp
              region: ""
              storageType: gcs
        # ... other configurations
      • Explanation of Key Fields:
        • serviceAccount: References the Kubernetes Service Account (splunk-operator-sa) that is associated with the GCP Service Account via Workload Identity.
        • endpoint: Specifies the GCS endpoint.
        • path: Path to the GCS bucket (splk-integration-test-bucket in this example).
        • provider: Specifies the cloud provider (gcp for Google Cloud Platform).
        • storageType: Indicates the type of storage (gcs for Google Cloud Storage).
    • Apply the Updated Deployment:

      kubectl apply -f splunk-operator-deployment-wi.yaml
  7. Configure Splunk Operator to Use Workload Identity

    • Update Custom Resource Definition (CRD):
      • Ensure that your Splunk Operator’s CRD is configured to utilize the Kubernetes Service Account splunk-operator-sa for GCS access.
      apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v3
      kind: Standalone
        name: example-splunk-app
        namespace: splunk-operator
            appInstallPeriodSeconds: 90
            - location: c3appfw-idxc-mj00
              name: appframework-idxc-clusterypt
                esDefaults: {}
              scope: cluster
              volumeName: appframework-test-volume-idxc-k3r
            appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 60
                esDefaults: {}
              scope: cluster
              volumeName: appframework-test-volume-idxc-k3r
            installMaxRetries: 2
            - endpoint: https://storage.googleapis.com
              name: appframework-test-volume-idxc-k3r
              path: splk-integration-test-bucket
              provider: gcp
              region: ""
              serviceAccount: splunk-operator-sa
              storageType: gcs
        # ... other configurations
      • Parameters:
        • serviceAccount: Name of the Kubernetes Service Account (splunk-operator-sa).
  8. Verify the Configuration

    • Check Pods:

      kubectl get pods -n splunk-operator
      • Ensure that the Splunk Operator pods are running without errors.
    • Inspect Logs:

      kubectl logs <splunk-operator-pod-name> -n splunk-operator
      • Look for logs indicating successful access to the GCS bucket via Workload Identity.

Security Recommendations

Comparison Between Service Account Keys and Workload Identity

Feature Service Account Keys Workload Identity
Credential Management Requires handling and securely storing JSON keys. Eliminates the need to manage credentials manually.
Security Higher risk due to potential key leakage. Enhanced security by using Kubernetes-native identities.
Ease of Rotation Manual rotation of keys is necessary. GCP manages credential rotation automatically.
Granularity Access is tied to the service account key. Fine-grained access control via Kubernetes Service Accounts.
Integration Complexity Simpler to set up initially but harder to manage. Requires additional setup but offers better security and manageability.
Use Cases Suitable for simpler setups or legacy systems. Ideal for Kubernetes-native environments requiring enhanced security.

When to Use Which:

Best Practices for Google Cloud Storage Access

  1. Adhere to the Least Privilege Principle:
    • Assign only the necessary roles to service accounts or Managed Identities to minimize security risks.
  2. Use Workload Identity Where Possible:
    • Leverage Workload Identity for Kubernetes deployments to enhance security and simplify credential management.
  3. Secure Namespace Configuration:
    • Limit Service Accounts to specific namespaces to prevent unauthorized access across the cluster.
  4. Regularly Audit IAM Roles and Permissions:
    • Periodically review and adjust roles to ensure they align with current access requirements.
  5. Monitor Access Logs:
    • Utilize GCP’s logging and monitoring tools to track access patterns and detect any anomalies.
  6. Automate Infrastructure as Code (IaC):
    • Use tools like Terraform or Helm to manage service accounts, IAM roles, and Kubernetes configurations for consistency and repeatability.
  7. Implement Network Security Controls:
    • Configure VPC Service Controls or firewall rules to restrict access to GCS buckets from authorized sources only.

App Framework Troubleshooting

The AppFramework feature stores data about the installation of applications in Splunk Enterprise Custom Resources’ Status subresource.

The field cr.status.AppDeploymentContext.AppsSrcDeployStatus stores the AppFramework deployment statuses of all Application sources listed in the CR spec. Further, each Application under every Application source has detailed deployment information in the field cr.status.AppDeploymentContext.AppsSrcDeployStatus.AppDeploymentInfo.

App Framework Phase Information

The process of installing an application is divided into multiple sequential phases. Each Application has its current phase information stored in the field cr.status.AppDeploymentContext.AppsSrcDeployStatus.AppDeploymentInfo.PhaseInfo.

Here is a detailed chronological view of the list of phases.

Phase 1 - App package download

In this phase, the AppFramework authenticates with the storage provider to download the app/s onto the Splunk Operator pod PVC. Below is a description of the statuses during this phase:

Status Code Description
101 App Package is pending download
102 App Package download is in progress
103 App Package download is complete
199 App Package is not downloaded after multiple retries

Phase 2 - App package copy

In this phase, the AppFramework copies the application to the Splunk Enterprise pod PVCs’. Below is a description of the statuses during this phase:

Status Code Description
201 App Package is pending copy
202 App Package copy is in progress
203 App Package copy is complete
298 Downloaded App Package is missing on Operator pod PVC
299 App Package is not copied after multiple retries

Phase 3 - App package install

In this phase, the AppFramework installs the application on the splunkd binary running inside of the Splunk Enterprise pods. Below is a description of the statuses during this phase:

Status Code Description
301 App Package is pending install
302 App Package install is in progress
303 App Package install is complete
398 Copied App Package is missing on Splunk Enterprise pod PVC
399 App Package is not copied after multiple retries

Below is an example of a Standalone with a successful Application install.

Standalone CR spec:

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: Standalone
  name: test
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
  replicas: 1
    appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 100
      volumeName: volume_app_repo_us
      scope: local
    - name: dummy
      location: dummy/
      volumeName: volume_app_repo_us
    - name: volume_app_repo_us
      storageType: s3
      provider: aws
      path: test/cspl_1250_apps/
      endpoint: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
      region: us-west-2
      secretRef: s3-secret

Standalone CR Status:

bash# kubectl get stdaln -o yaml | grep -i appSrcDeployStatus -A 33
          - appName: a.tgz
            appPackageTopFolder: testapp
            - phase: install
              status: 303
            deployStatus: 3
            isUpdate: false
            objectHash: ab78...89
              phase: install
              status: 303
            repoState: 1
          - appName: b.tgz
            appPackageTopFolder: newapp
            - phase: install
              status: 303
            deployStatus: 3
            isUpdate: false
            objectHash: 8745a....876
              phase: install
              status: 303
            repoState: 1
      appsRepoStatusPollIntervalSeconds: 100
      appsStatusMaxConcurrentAppDownloads: 5
      bundlePushStatus: {}
      isDeploymentInProgress: false
      lastAppInfoCheckTime: 1719277376
      version: 1

App Framework Bundle Push Status

The AppFramework uses a bundle push to install applications in clustered environments such as IndexerCluster as well as SeachHeadCluster. The status of the bundle push is stored in the field cr.status.AppDeploymentContext.BundlePushStatus.BundlePushStage.

Below is a description of the bundle push statuses:

Status Code Description
0 Bundle push is uninitialized, to be scheduled
1 Bundle Push is pending, waiting for all the apps to be copied to the Pod
2 Bundle Push is in progress
3 Bundle Push is complete

Below is an example of a SHC with a successful Application install using Bundle push.

SHC CR spec:

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: SearchHeadCluster
  name: shc
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
  replicas: 1
    appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 100
      volumeName: volume_app_repo_us
      scope: cluster
    - name: dummy
      location: dummy/
      volumeName: volume_app_repo_us
    - name: volume_app_repo_us
      storageType: s3
      provider: aws
      path: test/cspl_1250_apps/
      endpoint: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
      region: us-west-2
      secretRef: s3-secret

SHC CR status:

bash# kubectl get shc -o yaml | grep -i appSrcDeployStatus -A 33
          - appName: a.tgz
            appPackageTopFolder: "testapp"
            deployStatus: 1
            isUpdate: false
            objectHash: 67ab7....876
              phase: install
              status: 303
            repoState: 1
          - appName: b.tgz
            appPackageTopFolder: "newapp"
            deployStatus: 1
            isUpdate: false
            objectHash: 876abc....987
              phase: install
              status: 303
            repoState: 1
      appsRepoStatusPollIntervalSeconds: 100
      appsStatusMaxConcurrentAppDownloads: 5
        bundlePushStage: 3
      isDeploymentInProgress: false
      lastAppInfoCheckTime: 1719281420
      version: 1
    captain: splunk-shc-search-head-0
    captainReady: true
    deployerPhase: Ready
    initialized: true
    maintenanceMode: true