Tigran Najaryan
December 2024
Status: [Development]
The data format described in this specification uses a custom notation. Unless otherwise specified all data is tightly packed. Fields may occupy a number of bits that is not an integer multiply of 8 and may cross the boundaries of bytes. There is no implied padding after such fields. When any padding between fields is used it is explicitly called out.
Fields are MSB-ordered, i.e. most-significant bits of the byte are used first. For example a 3-bit field A, followed by a 2-bit field B looks like this in a byte:
|A2 A1 A0 |B1 B0 | unused |
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit fields spanning more than one byte continue using the same MSB ordering, i.e. adding a 5-bit field C to the above example results in this:
Byte 0 Byte 1
+-----------+-------+-----------+ +-------+-----------------------+
|A2 A1 A0 |B1 B0 |C4 C3 C2 | |C1 C0 | unused |
+-----------+-------+-----------+ +-------+-----------------------+
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Formats of data structures are described in the following notation:
<Name of the structure> {
<Field Name 1>: <Field Size or Type>
<Field Name 2>: <Field Size or Type>
... more fields
There is one or more fields in the structure. A field is named and has a size or type notation after the colon.
Here is the list of field size and type notations:
Field: N
- Field is exactly N bits long.
Field: N..M
- Field is between N and M bits long. The actual size is specified in
the text that follows. If M is omitted then the upper bound is unspecified.
Field: U64
- Field holds an unsigned integer value using the Uvarint64
variable-length encoding.
Field: S64
- Field holds an signed integer value using the Varint64
variable-length encoding.
Field: UC
- Field holds an unsigned integer value using the
UvarintCompact variable-length encoding.
Field: SC
- Field holds an signed integer value using the
VarintCompact variable-length encoding.
Field: <ST> = C
- Field has a constant value of C. Size/type
/Field: <ST>/
- Field is optional.
*Field: <ST>
- Field is repeated zero or more times and each instance has a
STEF data stream logically represents a sequence of records. A record is a collection of fields. The structure of a record is called the “schema” of the particular STEF data stream, or simply STEF schema.
The schema of the STEF data stream is defined statically and all records in the data stream comply with the same schema. STEF schema describes fields in a record, field types, possible values for the fields. Supported field types are:
Here is an example schema for a basic record that holds a single measurement of a metric:
struct Measurement root {
MetricName string
Attributes Attributes
Timestamp uint64
Value PointValue
oneof PointValue {
Int64 int64
Float64 float64
multimap Attributes {
key string
value string
This schema defines a root struct Measurement
that represents the STEF stream records.
Each record will contain MetricName string, zero or more Attributes (each a key-value
pair), a Timestamp and a PointValue, which can be either an int64 or a float64 value.
A STEF stream of this schema may for example contain the following records:
MetricName | Attributes | Timestamp | Value |
“cpu.usage” | Key=”cpu” Value=”1” | 1783726193 | Float64=0.4 |
“cpu.usage” | Key=”cpu” Value=”2” | 1783726193 | Float64=0.1 |
“memory.usage” | Key=”memory” Value=”virtual” | 1783726194 | Int64=100000 |
“system.healthy” | 1783726194 | Int64=1 | |
“system.healthy” | 1783726195 | Int64=0 |
Non-primitive types in STEF schema may recursively refer to each other or to themselves. For example let’s look at a definition of ArrayishValue:
oneof ArrayishValue {
Int64 int64
Array []ArrayishValue
An ArrayishValue like this can for example represent values:
.Loops in data defined via recursive data types are prohibited. STEF record is strictly a tree of fields.
Primitive values of string and bytes types and structs can be optionally dictionary-encoded. When dictionary encoding is enabled for a particular field, STEF encoders will add previously seen values of the field into a dictionary and when a repeat value is seen instead of encoding it again, a reference to an existing dictionary entry will be encoded instead. Here is an example with dictionary encoding of metric names:
struct Measurement root {
MetricName string dict(Names)
Attributes Attributes
Timestamp uint64
Value PointValue
Here the MetricName
field is dictionary-encoded and the name of the dictionary is
. Fields of the same type may share dictionaries, e.g:
struct Person root {
First string dict(Names)
Last string dict(Names)
In this example Names
is a single dictionary that contains previously seen value both
from field First
and field Last
A field of struct type can be also dictionary encoded, by declaring the struct itself
dictionary-encoded. For example the Country
struct is dictionary-encoded below:
struct Address root {
Street string
City string
State string
Country Country
struct Country dict(Countries) {
Name string
ISOCode string
A dictionary-encoded struct that is used as a field in multiple places in the schema will use one dictionary that is shared for all structs of that type.
STEF schema definition forms a tree of fields. The root of the tree is the root struct,
each field a children of the root and then recursively each field of non-primitive
type containing children that represent the non-primitive type. We can represent the
above Measurement
example by the following tree:
root Measurement
|- MetricName string
|- Attributes Attributes
| |- key string
| |- value string
|- Timestamp uint64
|- Value PointValue
|- Int64 int64
|- Float64 float64
The tree is constructed by traversal of schema definition in the following order:
Leaf nodes of STEF schema tree are always primitive types or are non-primitive types where a type recursion is detected.
Let’s illustrate a more complete example that includes recursive type definitions:
struct Measurement root {
MetricName string
Attributes Attributes
Timestamp uint64
Value PointValue
oneof PointValue {
Int64 int64
Float64 float64
multimap Attributes {
key string
value AnyValue
oneof AnyValue {
String string
Array []AnyValue
KVList KVList
multimap KVList {
key string
value AnyValue
In the above schema AnyValue is a self-referential recursive type and the types AnyValue and KVList mutually refer to each other. The corresponding schema tree looks like this:
root Measurement
|- MetricName string
|- Attributes Attributes
| |- key string
| |- value AnyValue
| |- String string
| |- Array []AnyValue <--- loop detected here, backtrack. Non-primitive leaf.
| |- KVList KVList
| |- key string
| |- value AnyValue <--- loop detected here, backtrack. Non-primitive leaf.
|- Timestamp uint64
|- Value PointValue
|- Int64 int64
|- Float64 float64
Each record in STEF data stream logically is a collection of values associated with leaf nodes in this tree.
It is important to note 2 things.
Firstly, for each individual record not every leaf node in a tree always has an associated value. This is because a oneof may only contain one value at a time (and thus only one of its children will have a value associated) and optional fields may have no value at all. Furthermore, entire subtrees may have no values associated with them if they are contained in a non-present optional field or are in a oneof that stores a different choice.
Secondly, because the schema allows recursive types a record may contain more than one
value associated with the same node in the schema tree. Consider the following AnyValue
AnyValue = { KVList = { key = "abc", value = { AnyValue = { String = "xyx" } } } }
Represented as a tree this AnyValue can be laid out as:
|- KVList
|- key = "abc"
|- Value
|- AnyValue
|- String = "xyz"
Note how there are 2 AnyValue elements, although the schema will only have one AnyValue node.
If we associate these elements with the schema tree, we will have essentially 2 AnyValue elements associated with the AnyValue node in the schema tree.
STEF data is represented as a byte stream and has the following format:
FixedHeader: ..
VarHeader Frame: ..
*Data Frame: ..
It starts with a FixedHeader, followed by VarHeader frame, followed by zero or more Data Frames.
FixedHeader {
Signature: 32 = 4 ASCII bytes: "S", "T", "E", "F"
Version: 4
Compression: 2
Random: 2
specifies the major version number of STEF stream format:
is the compression method for VarHeader and Data frame content:
- a random value beween 0 and 3.
Frame structure is used to represent either a VarHeader or a Data Frame.
Frame {
RestartDictionaries: 1
RestartCompression: 1
RestartCodecs: 1
Random: 5
UncompressedSize: U64
/CompressedSize: U64/
Content: ..
RestartDictionaries indicates that all dictionaries are cleared and restarted when this frame starts. Can be used to limit the size of the dictionaries that the readers must keep in memory. Has no effect on VarHeader and SHOULD be used only for Data Frames.
RestartCompression indicates that the compression stream is started anew from this frame’s Content. Reader’s state of compression decoder MUST be reset when this bit is set. If this bit is unset the state of the compression encoder carries over through the Content field of frames. This bit has effect only if Flags field in the Header specifies a compression.
RestartCodecs indicates that the state of encoders/decoders is cleared and started anew from this frame’s Content.
The UncompressedSize size field specifies the total size in bytes of the frame Content in uncompressed form. If no compression is used the UncompressedSize field is also the same as the size of the Content field in bytes.
The CompressedSize field is optional and is only present if Compression field in the Header specifies a compression. The CompressedSize field specifies the size of the Content field in bytes.
VarHeader is a Frame with a Content
field that contains JSON-encoded Schema of STEF data.
TODO: specify JSON fields.
Data Frame has the Content
of the following structure:
Content {
RecordCount: U64
SizeOfSizes: U64
*Size: UC
*ColumnData: 0..
is the number of record in this data frame.
is the size of the following Sizes
field in bytes.
contains a sequence of UvarintCompact values, one value per column,
each column representing the number of bytes of data in that column. 0 is valid value
for Size
and indicates that the column has no data. The Size field is repeated as
many time as there are columns in the schema.
Note if a column has no data, all its subcolumns also have no data. In this case the Size field of value 0 is recorded only for the parent column and is omitted for all child columns.
represents the data for one column. The ColumnData field is repeated as
many time as there are columns in the schema.
Each column contains a sequence of data elements. The elements may of different sizes within the same column. Columns may contain a different number of elements. The next section describes the column data.
Above we described the logical data model, how the data STEF data is presented to readers and writers of records. Now we are going to look into how this data is encoded in bits and bytes in STEF data stream.
STEF format uses columnar representation. Each node in STEF schema tree is represented by one column, including nodes of primitive and non-primitive types. The number of columns in STEF data stream is fixed and is defined by its schema. Each column is assigned a number that corresponds to the depth-first traversal order of the constructed schema tree.
Note that some fields in a schema may contain no values at all for any of the records. In this case the column will be empty. Nevertheless the column is still numbered.
The encoded data for each of these columns is contained in one ColumnData
field of a
data frame. The ColumnData
contains encoded data of the particular column for all
records that the frame represents.
Here is an example column number assignment and codec types for the sample schema we were looking into earlier:
Tree Column Codec Type
root Measurement 1 struct
|- MetricName string 2 string
|- Attributes Attributes 3 multimap
| |- key string 4 string
| |- value AnyValue 5 oneof
| |- String string 6 string
| |- Array []AnyValue 7 array
| |- KVList KVList 8 multimap
| |- key string 9 string
| |- value AnyValue 10 oneof
|- Timestamp uint64 11 uint64
|- Value PointValue 12 oneof
|- Int64 int64 13 int64
|- Float64 float64 14 float64
Now, let’s see how the encoding of records into ColumnData
fields work.
The input to the encoding process is a single record, laid out as a tree of values. The
encoder also has the constructed schema tree and ColumnData
that correspond to the
tree nodes. The encoding algorithm is the following:
This section describes codecs for various data types that can be used in the schema.
Some codecs encode data in the form of delta (or difference) from a previous instance of that same field. Note that choice of words: we say the “previous instance” instead of saying “the value in the previous record”. This distinction is important.
Although, in the simplest cases the previous instance is indeed in the previous record, in more complex cases it may not be the case. This is for example possible if the previous record did not contain a value for this field at all (this is possible if the field is optional). This is also possible if the schema declares an array of structs and encoder is encoding the elements of that array. In that case “the previous instance” refers to the previous array element (provided that the element has a value for that field!).
Struct codec has 2 encoding modes: full and dictionary.
Struct {
/FullEncoding: 1 = 1/
ModifiedMask: N
/PresenceMask: M/
If the schema defines dictionary encoding for this struct then FullEncoding
written with a value of 1. This indicates that the following struct is fully-encoded
as opposed to being a reference to an existing dictionary entry.
If the schema does not define dictionary encoding for this struct then FullEncoding
not present.
is a field composed of N bits, where N equals the number of fields
in the struct, with bits laid out in the order matching the declaration order of the
fields. If the field’s value is different in this instance of the struct compared to
that same field’s value in the previous instance of the struct then the corresponding
bit will be set to 1 otherwise the bit will be set to 0.
Note: here we refer to “value in the previous instance of the struct” instead of saying “the value in the previous record”. Although, in simplest cases the previous instance is indeed in the previous record, in more complex cases it may not be the case. This is for example possible if the previous record did not contain a value for this field at all (this is possible if the field is optional). This is also possible if the schema declares an array of structs and encoder is encoding the elements of that array. In that case “the previous instance” refers to the previous array element (provided that the element has a value for that field!).
In short, the encoder is tasked with encoding values of the specified field one after another. This values may or may not be sequential values of the same field taken from consecutive records. It is the encoder’s job to have a state that tracks a “previous instance”.
field is optional and is only present if the struct contains any
fields that are declared optional in STEF schema. PresenceMask
will contain M bits,
where M equals the number of optional fields in the struct, with bits laid out in
the order matching the declaration order of the fields. Note: non-optional fields do
not have corresponding bits in the PresenceMask
, so generally speaking M<=N. If the
optional field is present in this instance of the struct then the corresponding
bit will be set to 1 otherwise the bit will be set to 0.
After the ModifiedMask
and PresenceMask
fields are encoded the struct encoder will
recursively call encoders for struct fields, in the order of field declaration. The
encoders for fields will then encode field values in their corresponding columns.
If the schema defines dictionary encoding for this struct then this value of the struct will be added to the dictionary to make it available for future references.
Struct {
FullEncoding: 1 = 0
RefNum: UC
If the schema defines dictionary encoding for this struct then the encoder will first lookup up the struct’s value in the dictionary. If the value is not found in the dictionary then full encoding will be used for the struct.
If the struct is found in the dictionary, then a reference to the existing entry will be recorded instead.
The FullEncoding
bit will be set to 0 to indicate the dictionary entry reference
follows. RefNum
will be set to the number of the found entry in the dictionary.
OneOf {
ChoiceDelta: SC
Fields declared in oneof are numbered, starting from number 1 and assigned incrementing numbers in the order of declaration. This assigned number is called the “oneof choice number”. Choice number 0 corresponds to “None” choice.
OneOf codec encodes choice number in the column in delta encoding:
The chosen field’s value is encoded in the child column using field’s codec. After the ChoiceDelta is encoded the OneOf encoder will call the encoders for the currently chosen field, that will then encode the chosen field’s values in its corresponding column. Note that all other fields of the oneof (other than the current chosen field) will have nothing appended to their columns.
Array {
LengthDelta: SC
Array codec encodes the length of the array in delta encoding:
The array elements are encoded one by one in the child column using element’s codec.
MultiMaps have 2 different encodings possible: value-only and full.
The following is written to the MultiMap column:
MultiMap {
LengthTransposed: U64
LengthTransposed is computed as (Length << 1) | 1
, where Length
is the
number of key-value pairs in the MultiMap.
The multimap’s keys are encoded in the key child column and values in the value child column, in the order they are listed in the multimap.
This encoding is used when the current instance of the MultiMap has exactly the same keys as the previous instance of the MultiMap. In that case the keys are not encoded at all and only values that differ from the previous instance’s corresponding value are encoded.
The encoder compares the values of this instance of the MultiMap with the values of
the previous instance, key-by-key. For all values at index i bit number i is set in a
value ChangedKeys
. After all values are iterated ChangedKeysShifted
is computed
as ChangedKeys << 1
The following is written to the MultiMap column:
MultiMap {
ChangedKeysShifted: U64
All values that are different in this instance are then written to the value child column. Nothing is written to the key child column.
Value-only encoding can be used if the number of key-value pairs in the MultiMap is less than or equal to 62. If the MultiMap has more than 62 key-value pairs then Full MultiMap Encoding is always used even if the MultiMap has the same keys as the previous instance.
String is represented using one of the 2 possible encodings: direct-encoded and by reference.
The first field of both encodings is a Varint64 number. After reading this number the sign of the number will indicate which of the encodings is used: direct string or string reference.
Direct string encoding:
Field | Value | Notes |
Len | Varint64 | Length of the string in bytes. A non-negative Varint64 number. |
Bytes | Bytes | Len bytes of the string. |
If the length of the string in bytes is >=2, the encoded string is appended to the corresponding dictionary at the current RefNum and the current RefNum of the dictionary is incremented. To understand which dictionary is used see the description of the block or of the field contains this String value.
By reference:
Field | Value | Notes |
RefNum | Varint64=X | A negative Varint64 number |
The RefNum is calculated as RefNum = -X-1. The value of the string is the one that is stored in the corresponding dictionary at RefNum index.
Uint64 {
DeltaOfDelta: s64
Uint64 and Int64 values are represented a delta of delta from the previous value. Given
previous value PrevVal
and current value CurVal
, DeltaOfDelta
is computed as:
Initial state:
PrevDelta = 0
PrevVal = 0
On each iteration:
Delta = CurVal - PrevVal
DeltaOfDelta = Delta - PrevDelta
PrevDelta = Delta
PrevVal = CurVal
64-bit IEEE numbers are encoded using Gorilla encoding (section 4.1.2)
Bool values are encoded as single bits.
Unsigned LEB128 encoded 64-bit number, 1-10 bytes.
Varint64 is a signed integer in [-2^63..2^63-1] range, encoded using zigzag encoding into Uvarint64.
UvarintCompact is an unsigned number in [0..2^48-1] range, written to BitStream in compact form, in continuous bits in big endian format, the number of total bits ranges from 1 to 56.
The format is the following:
Prefix Bits | Followed by big endian bits |
1 | No bits. Encodes value of 0. |
01 | 2 bit value |
001 | 5 bit value |
0001 | 12 bit value |
00001 | 19 bit value |
000001 | 26 bit value |
0000001 | 33 bit value |
00000001 | 48 bit value |
Writer and reader maintain multiple dictionaries that allow referencing previously seen values.
Each of the dictionaries maintains a set of elements and their associated RefNum. When STEF data stream is started the dictionaries are empty (contain no elements).
Dictionaries maintained by writer and reader of the STEF data are kept in sync as they advance through the STEF data stream. This allows the reader to correctly locate the dictionary element referenced by RefNum number in the STEF data stream written previously by the writer.
Dictionaries can be reset by the writer. When the dictionaries are reset they are set to the empty state. Immediately after resetting dictionaries the writer MUST close the frame and start a new frame with RestartDictionaries bit set in the flags. The RestartDictionaries flag indicates to the reader that it MUST also reset its dictionaries.
STEF data can be communicated over gRPC via TEFDestination service.
service is used to deliver STEF data from a Sender to a Receiver.
The Sender is responsible for producing a STEF Data Stream and uses a STEF Writer.
The Receiver correspondingly uses a STEF Reader to decode the received STEF Data Stream.
The sequence diagram of the typical operations is the following:
Sender Receiver
│ gRPC Connect │
│ │
│ TEFDestinationCapabilities │
│ │
│ TEFClientMessage │
. ... .
│ TEFDataResponse │
│ TEFClientMessage │
. ... .
│ TEFDataResponse │
. ... .
message contain a stef_bytes
field. The field
contains a sequence of bytes of the STEF stream.
The receiver of the stef_bytes
field is responsible for assembling the STEF data
stream from a sequence of TEFClientMessage
messages by concatenating bytes from
in the order the messages are received.
The is_end_of_chunk
field indicates that the last byte of stef_bytes
field is an
end of a chunk. A chunk is either the STEF header, or a
STEF frame.
This flag normally is used by receivers to accumulates STEF bytes until the end of the chunk is encountered and only then start decoding the chunk. Senders MUST ensure they mark this field true at least once in a while otherwise receivers may never start decoding the data.
gRPC protocol responses allow acknowledging receipt or specifying that the decoder failed at a particular place in the STEF stream. This indication is done via record ids.
The encoder and decoder that operate on two ends of the gRPC stream maintain the record id and increment it precisely in lockstep with every record processed.
The receiver of the STEF stream MUST use the record id value of the decoder and
reference that value in ack_record_id
field of TEFDataResponse
to indicate
successful receipt of STEF stream up to that sequence id.
If for whatever reason the decoded stream contains invalid values that cannot be
accepted by the receiver, although STEF format decoding itself worked correctly and the
decoder can continue accepting and decoding the subsequence STEF stream bytes, the
receiver MUST indicate such invalid values back to the sender by referencing the
record id of invalid value in bad_data_record_ids
of TEFDataResponse
. The sequence of
operations in this case looks like this:
Sender Receiver
│ TEFClientMessage │
│ │
│ TEFDataResponse{bad_data_record_ids} │
│ │
│ TEFClientMessage │
│ │
│ TEFClientMessage │
. ... .
As opposed to the above scenario, if the receiver is unable to decode the STEF stream,
such that it loses the synchronization and is unable to continue correctly decoding
the stream, then in addition to reporting the failure via bad_data_record_ids
receiver MUST also close the gRPC stream and let the sender re-open the stream. The
sender in this case MAY NOT re-send the data that was marked as bad via previously
reported bad_data_record_ids
field. This is important to make sure the receiver’s
decoder does not fail again on the same data, causing an infinite loop of failures and
retries. The sequence of operations in this case looks like this:
Sender Receiver
│ TEFClientMessage │
│ │
│ TEFDataResponse{bad_data_record_ids} │
│ │
│ gRPC Disconnect │
│ │
│ gRPC Connect │
│ │
│ TEFDestinationCapabilities │
│ │
│ TEFClientMessage │
. ... .
STEF gRPC protocols can keep gRPC stream open and stream new STEF data as it arrives and is ready to be encoded.
The concept of chunks and indication of chunk end allows STEF decoders to decode complete chunks that are already received and then yield the execution to the caller and indicate EOF, then when a new complete chunks arrive and become available the same decoder can easily resume decoding from where it left. This is particularly important for efficient implementation of STEF destinations that need to receive thousands of gRPC connection and process received data as it becomes available without blocking and without the need for decoder implementation to be able to pause and resume operation from an arbitrary byte in STEF stream.
Senders SHOULD periodically close the gRPC stream and open a new one. This is important to ensure gRPC streams remain balanced in load-balanced scenarios with rolling servers behind the load balancer.
Receivers, which anticipate a large number of incoming gRPC streams should take into account memory usage required per stream. To limit the memory usage the receivers can indicate dictionary size limits in TEFDestinationCapabilities message.
Senders MUST honor dictionary limits returned in DictionaryLimits message by resetting dictionaries when their total byte size grows to the specified limit. See Resetting Dictionaries for explanation on how the writer (i.e. gRPC Sender) and reader (i.e. gRPC receiver) MUST handle dictionary resets.
The total byte size of dictionaries is calculated by Sender approximately as the total number of bytes all elements occupy in memory. This calculation is to certain degree platform and implementation dependent. Receivers MUST allow for a margin of error in this calculation and set the limits conservatively.