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Metadata contains general information about add-on build.

Metadata Properties

Property Type Description
displayName* string Name displayed for end user.
name* string Name used for API endpoints and all code references separating endpoints from any other app. Please refer to app.conf/[package]/id for more details.
restRoot* string String used to create API endpoints, allows alphanumeric and - characters.
apiVersion string [Deprecated] Version of used API.
version* string Version of the add-on.
schemaVersion string Version of JSON schema used in build process.
_uccVersion string Version of UCC used during build process. Set by UCC itself.
hideUCCVersion boolean Hide the label ‘Made with UCC’ on the Configuration page.
checkForUpdates boolean Ability to configure app.conf->package.check_for_updates from globalConfig file. Default true.
defaultView string Define which view should be loaded on TA load. One of "inputs", "configuration", "dashboard" or "search". Default configuration.
os-dependentLibraries array This feature allows you to download and unpack libraries with appropriate binaries for the indicated operating system during the build process.
supported_themes array This feature is allows you provide the themes supported by your add-on. Supported values: light, dark. No default.
isVisible boolean This option allows you to create apps which are not visible by default by setting isVisible=false. Default: true if globalConfig file exists in the repository, else false.