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Key facts

  • MSG Format based filter
  • Netapp Ontap messages are not distinctive. So, either configure known Netapp Ontap hosts in SC4S, or open unique ports for Netapp Ontap devices
Ref Link
Splunk Add-on
Product Manual unknown


sourcetype notes
ontap:ems This sourcetype will be assinged only when the environment variable SC4S_NETAPP_ONTAP_NEW_FORMAT is not set or is set to ‘no’. By default it is unset
netapp:ontap:audit This sourcetype will be assinged only when the environment variable SC4S_NETAPP_ONTAP_NEW_FORMAT is set to ‘yes’
netapp:ontap:ems This sourcetype will be assinged only when the environment variable SC4S_NETAPP_ONTAP_NEW_FORMAT is set to ‘yes’

Sourcetype and Index Configuration

key sourcetype index notes
netapp_ontap ontap:ems infraops none
netapp_ontap_audit netapp:ontap:audit infraops none
netapp_ontap_ems netapp:ontap:ems infraops none


Variable default description
SC4S_NETAPP_ONTAP_NEW_FORMAT empty string (empty/yes) Set to “yes” for the applying the latest changes. Make sure to configure your system to send the logs to a specific port or have a hostname-based configuration

Parser Configuration

  1. Through sc4s-vps

    #File name provided is a suggestion it must be globally unique
    application app-vps-test-netapp_ontap[sc4s-vps] {
        filter {
            host("netapp-ontap-" type(string) flags(prefix))
            or (
                message("netapp-ontap-" type(string) flags(prefix))
                and program("netapp-ontap-" type(string) flags(prefix))
        parser {

  2. or through unique port

    # /opt/sc4s/env_file