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Deployment Configuration

The values.yaml is the main point of SC4SNMP management. You can check all the default values of Helm dependencies using the following command:

microk8s helm3 inspect values splunk-connect-for-snmp/splunk-connect-for-snmp > values.yaml

The whole file is divided into the following parts:

To configure the endpoint for sending SNMP data:

  • splunk - in case you use Splunk Enterprise/Cloud.
  • sim - in case you use Splunk Observability Cloud. For more details see sim configuration.

For polling purposes:

For traps receiving purposes:

Shared components:

Shared values

All the components have the following resources field for adjusting memory resources:

      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 2Gi
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 2Gi
For more information about the concept of resources, see the kuberentes documentation. For more information about scaling resources see the scaling with microk8s.

There is an option to create common annotations across all services. It can be set by:

  annotation_key: annotation_value