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Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector for Kubernetes offline installation

See the following options to install the Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector for Kubernetes.

Local machine with internet access

To install Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector offline, first, download the packed chart splunk-otel-collector-<tag>.tgz and the otel image otel_image.tar from the Github release, where <tag> is the current OpenTelemetry release tag. Both packages must be later moved to the installation server.

Installation on the server

The Otel image has to be imported to the microk8s registry with:

microk8s ctr image import otel_image.tar 

The imported package must be unpacked with the following command :

tar -xvf splunk-otel-collector-<tag>.tgz --exclude='._*'

In order to run Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector on your environment, replace <> variables according to the following description:

microk8s helm3 install sck \
  --set="clusterName=<cluster_name>" \
  --set="splunkPlatform.endpoint=<splunk_endpoint>" \
  --set="splunkPlatform.insecureSkipVerify=<insecure_skip_verify>" \
  --set="splunkPlatform.token=<splunk_token>" \
  --set="logsEngine=otel" \
  --set="splunkPlatform.metricsEnabled=true" \
  --set="splunkPlatform.metricsIndex=em_metrics" \
  --set="splunkPlatform.index=em_logs" \

Variables description

Placeholder Description Example
splunk_endpoint host address of splunk instance
insecure_skip_verify is insecure ssl allowed false
splunk_token Splunk HTTP Event Collector token 450a69af-16a9-4f87-9628-c26f04ad3785
cluster_name name of the cluster my-cluster

An example of a correctly filled command is:

microk8s helm3 install sck \
  --set="clusterName=my-cluster" \
  --set="splunkPlatform.endpoint=" \
  --set="splunkPlatform.insecureSkipVerify=false" \
  --set="splunkPlatform.token=4d22911c-18d9-4706-ae7b-dd1b976ca6f7" \
  --set="splunkPlatform.metricsEnabled=true" \
  --set="splunkPlatform.metricsIndex=em_metrics" \
  --set="splunkPlatform.index=em_logs" \

Install Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector with HELM for Splunk Observability for Kubernetes

To run Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector on your environment, replace <> variables according to the following description:

microk8s helm3 install sck

Variables description

Placeholder Description Example
cluster_name name of the cluster my_cluster
realm Realm obtained from the Splunk Observability Cloud environment us0
token Token obtained from the Splunk Observability Cloud environment BCwaJ_Ands4Xh7Nrg
ingest_url Ingest URL from the Splunk Observability Cloud environment
api_url API URL from the Splunk Observability Cloud environment

An example of a correctly filled command is:

microk8s helm3 install sck 