
Configuring Splunk Enterprise Deployments

This document includes various examples for configuring Splunk Enterprise deployments with the Splunk Operator.

For more information about the custom resources that you can use with the Splunk Operator, refer to the Custom Resource Guide.

Creating a Clustered Deployment

The two basic building blocks of Splunk Enterprise infrastructure are search heads and indexers. A Standalone resource can be used to create a single instance that can perform either, or both of these roles.

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: Standalone
  name: single
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc

The passwords for the instance are generated automatically. To review the passwords, please refer to the Reading global kubernetes secret object instructions.

Indexer Clusters

When customers outgrow the capabilites of single instance for indexing and search, they will scale the infrastructure up to an indexer cluster. The Splunk Operator makes creation of a cluster easy by utilizing a ClusterManager resource for Cluster Manager, and using the IndexerCluster resource for the cluster peers:

Cluster Manager

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: ClusterManager
  name: cm
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    name: example-mc

The Splunk Operator is responsible for configuring and maintaing the connection between the cluster manager and the index cluster peers, but it does not manage Splunk Apps. The cluster manager manages the Splunk Apps and Add-ons distributed to all peers in the indexer cluster. See Installing Splunk Apps for more information.

The Splunk Operator also controls the upgrade cycle, and implements the recommended order of cluster manager, search heads, and indexers, by defining and updating the docker image used by each IndexerCluster part.

This example includes the monitoringConsoleRef parameter used to define a monitoring console pod. The monitoring console pod does not need to be running; the name can be predefined and the pod started later. To start the monitoring console pod, see Monitoring Console, or use the example below:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: MonitoringConsole
  name: example-mc
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc

The process is similar to build a multisite cluster, through defining a different zone affinity and site in each child IndexerCluster resource. See Multisite cluster examples

The passwords for the instance are generated automatically. To review the passwords, refer to the Reading global kubernetes secret object instructions.

Indexer cluster peers

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: IndexerCluster
  name: example
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    name: cm
    name: example-mc

This will automatically configure a cluster, with a predetermined number of index cluster peers generated automatically based upon the replication_factor (RF) set. This example includes the monitoringConsoleRef parameter used to define a monitoring console pod.

NOTE: If you try to specify the number of replicas on an IndexerCluster CR less than the RF (as set on ClusterManager,) the Splunk Operator will always scale the number of peers to either the replication_factor for single site indexer clusters, or to the origin count in site_replication_factor for multi-site indexer clusters.

After starting the cluster manager, indexer cluster peers, and monitoring console pods using the examples above, use the kubectl get pods command to verify your environment:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS    AGE
splunk-cm-cluster-manager-0                  1/1     Running   0          29s
splunk-example-indexer-0                    1/1     Running   0          29s
splunk-example-indexer-1                    1/1     Running   0          29s
splunk-example-indexer-2                    1/1     Running   0          29s
splunk-example-mc-monitoring-console-0      1/1     Running   0          40s
splunk-operator-7c5599546c-wt4xl            1/1     Running   0          14h

Scaling cluster peers using replicas

If you want to add more indexers as cluster peers, update your IndexerCluster CR and define the replicas parameter:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: IndexerCluster
  name: example
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    name: cm
  replicas: 3
    name: example-mc
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                         READY    STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
splunk-cm-cluster-manager-0                    1/1     Running   0          14m
splunk-example-indexer-0                      1/1     Running   0          14m
splunk-example-indexer-1                      1/1     Running   0          70s
splunk-example-indexer-2                      1/1     Running   0          70s
splunk-example-mc-monitoring-console-0        1/1     Running   0          80s
splunk-operator-7c5599546c-wt4xl              1/1     Running   0          14h

You can now easily scale your indexer cluster by patching the replicas count. For example:

$ kubectl patch indexercluster example --type=json -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/replicas", "value": 5}]'
indexercluster.enterprise.splunk.com/example patched

For efficiency, note that you can use the following short names with kubectl:

All CR’s that support a replicas field can be scaled using the kubectl scale command. For example:

$ kubectl scale idc example --replicas=5
indexercluster.enterprise.splunk.com/example scaled

Scaling cluster peers using pod autoscaling

You can also create Horizontal Pod Autoscalers to manage dynamic scaling for you. For example:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
  name: idc-example
  namespace: splunk-operator
    apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v3
    kind: IndexerCluster
    name: example
  minReplicas: 5
  maxReplicas: 10
  targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 50
$ kubectl get hpa
idc-example   IndexerCluster/example   16%/50%   5         10        5          15m

Create a search head for your index cluster

To create a standalone search head that is preconfigured to search your indexer cluster, add the clusterManagerRef parameter:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: Standalone
  name: single
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    name: cm
    name: example-mc

Note that the clusterManagerRef field points to the cluster manager for the indexer cluster. This example includes the monitoringConsoleRef parameter used to define a monitoring console pod.

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                         READY    STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
splunk-cm-cluster-manager-0                    1/1     Running   0          14m
splunk-example-indexer-0                      1/1     Running   0          14m
splunk-example-indexer-1                      1/1     Running   0          70s
splunk-example-indexer-2                      1/1     Running   0          70s
splunk-example-mc-monitoring-console-0        1/1     Running   0          80s
splunk-single-standalone-0                    1/1     Running   0          90s
splunk-operator-7c5599546c-wt4xl              1/1     Running   0          14h

Another Cluster Manager example

Having a separate CR for cluster manager allows you to define parameters differently than the indexers, such as storage capacity and the storage class used by persistent volumes.

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: ClusterManager
  name: cm
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    storageClassName: gp2
    storageCapacity: 15Gi
    storageClassName: customStorageClass
    storageCapacity: 25Gi
apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v3
kind: IndexerCluster
  name: idxc-part1
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
  # No cluster-manager created, uses the referenced one
    name: cm
  replicas: 3
  storageClassName: local
  varStorage: "128Gi"
    name: example-mc

Monitoring Console

The Monitoring Console provides detailed topology and performance information about your Splunk Enterprise deployment. The monitoring console (MC) pod is referenced by using the monitoringConsoleRef parameter. When a pod that references the monitoringConsoleRef parameter is created or deleted, the MC pod will automatically update itself and create or remove connections to those pods.

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: MonitoringConsole
  name: example-mc
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc

There is no preferred order when running an MC pod; you can start the pod before or after the other CR’s in the namespace. To associate a new MC pod with an existing CR that does not define the monitoringConsoleRef, you can patch those CR’s and add it. For example: kubectl patch cm-idxc cm --type=json -p '[{"op":"add", "path":"/spec/monitoringConsoleRef/name", "value":example-mc}]' for a cluster manager and kubectl patch shc test --type=json -p '[{"op":"add", "path":"/spec/monitoringConsoleRef/name", "value":example-mc}]' for a search head cluster.

Search Head Clusters

A search head cluster is used to distribute users and search load across multiple instances, and provides high availabilty for search jobs. See About search head clustering in the Splunk Enterprise documentation.

You can create a search head cluster that is configured to communicate with your indexer cluster by using a SearchHeadCluster resource and adding the clusterManagerRef parameter.

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: SearchHeadCluster
  name: example
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    name: cm
    name: example-mc

This will automatically create a deployer with 3 search heads clustered together. Search head clusters require a minimum of 3 members. This example includes the monitoringConsoleRef parameter and name used to define a monitoring console (MC) pod. To start the monitoring console pod, see Monitoring Console, or use the example below:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: MonitoringConsole
  name: example-mc
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
splunk-cm-cluster-manager-0                   1/1     Running   0          53m
splunk-example-deployer-0                    0/1     Running   0          29s
splunk-example-indexer-0                     1/1     Running   0          53m
splunk-example-indexer-1                     1/1     Running   0          40m
splunk-example-indexer-2                     1/1     Running   0          40m
splunk-example-indexer-3                     1/1     Running   0          37m
splunk-example-indexer-4                     1/1     Running   0          37m
splunk-example-search-head-0                 0/1     Running   0          29s
splunk-example-search-head-1                 0/1     Running   0          29s
splunk-example-search-head-2                 0/1     Running   0          29s
splunk-operator-7c5599546c-pmbc2             1/1     Running   0          12m
splunk-single-standalone-0                   1/1     Running   0          11m
splunk-example-mc-monitoring-console-0       1/1     Running   0          80s

Similar to indexer clusters, you can scale a search head cluster by patching the replicas parameter.

The passwords for the instance are generated automatically. To review the passwords, refer to the Reading global kubernetes secret object instructions

Cluster Services

The creation of SearchHeadCluster, ClusterManager, MonitoringConsole, and IndexerCluster resources also creates corresponding Kubernetes services:

$ kubectl get svc
NAME                                                        TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                          AGE
splunk-cm-cluster-manager-service                            ClusterIP     <none>        8000/TCP,8089/TCP                                55m
splunk-cm-indexer-service                                   ClusterIP    <none>        8000/TCP,8089/TCP                                55m
splunk-example-mc-monitoring-console-service                ClusterIP      <none>        8000/TCP,8088/TCP,8089/TCP,9997/TCP              54m
splunk-example-deployer-service                             ClusterIP    <none>        8000/TCP,8089/TCP                                118s
splunk-example-indexer-headless                             ClusterIP   None             <none>        8000/TCP,8088/TCP,8089/TCP,9997/TCP              55m
splunk-example-indexer-service                              ClusterIP    <none>        8000/TCP,8088/TCP,8089/TCP,9997/TCP              55m
splunk-example-search-head-headless                         ClusterIP   None             <none>        8000/TCP,8089/TCP                                118s
splunk-example-search-head-service                          ClusterIP     <none>        8000/TCP,8089/TCP                                118s
splunk-operator-metrics                                     ClusterIP   <none>        8383/TCP,8686/TCP                                11d

To login to your new Splunk Enterprise cluster, you can forward port 8000 to one of the search head pods, or use a load balancing service that is automatically created for your deployment:

kubectl port-forward service/splunk-example-search-head-service 8000

Similar to other examples, the default administrator password can be obtained from the global kubernetes secrets object as described here:

kubectl get secret splunk-`<namespace`>-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode

See Configuring Ingress for guidance on making your Splunk Enterprise clusters accessible from outside of Kubernetes.

Cleaning Up

As these examples demonstrate, the Splunk Operator makes it easy to create and manage clustered deployments of Splunk Enterprise. Given the reduced complexity, the comparable resource requirements from leveraging containers, and the ability to easily start small and scale as necessary, we recommend that you use the IndexerCluster and SearchHeadCluster resources when creating deployments using the Splunk Operator.

To remove the resources created from this example, run:

kubectl delete -n splunk-opertaor standalone single
kubectl delete -n splunk-opertaor shc example
kubectl delete -n splunk-opertaor idc example
kubectl delete -n splunk-opertaor mc example-mc
kubectl delete -n splunk-opertaor clustermanager cm

SmartStore Index Management

Indexes can be managed through the Splunk Operator. Every index configured through the Splunk Operator must be SmartStore enabled. See SmartStore Resource Guide.

Using Default Settings

The Splunk Enterprise container supports many default configuration settings which are used to set up and configure new deployments. The Splunk Operator provides several ways to configure these.

Suppose we create a ConfigMap named splunk-defaults that includes a default.yml in our kubernetes cluster:

kubectl create configmap splunk-defaults --from-file=default.yml

You can use the volumes and defaultsUrl parameters in the configuration spec to have the Splunk Operator initialize your deployment using these settings.

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: Standalone
  name: example
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    - name: defaults
        name: splunk-defaults
  defaultsUrl: /mnt/defaults/default.yml

In the above example, volumes will mount the splunk-defaults ConfigMap with default.yml file under the /mnt/defaults directory on all pods of the Custom Resource Standalone.

defaultsUrl represents the full path to the default.yml configuration file on the pods. In addition, defaultsUrl may specify one or more local paths or URLs, each separated by a comma. For example, you can use a generic.yml with common settings and an apps.yml that provides additional parameters for app installation.

  defaultsUrl: "http://myco.com/splunk/generic.yml,/mnt/defaults/apps.yml"

Inline defaults are always processed last, after any defaultsUrl files.

Any password management related configuration via defaults and defaultsUrl has been disabled. Please review PasswordManagement.md and Managing global kubernetes secret object for more details.

Installing Splunk Apps

Note that this requires using the Splunk Enterprise container version 9.0.0 or later

With the Splunk Operator 2.0 release, new App Framework is available to centrally store and deploy apps. See AppFramework for information and examples.

Creating a LicenseManager Using a ConfigMap

We recommend that you create a LicenseManager instance to share a license with all the components in your Splunk Enterprise deployment.

First, you can create a ConfigMap named splunk-licenses that includes a license file named enterprise.lic by running:

kubectl create configmap splunk-licenses --from-file=enterprise.lic

Your ConfigMap can contain multiple licenses --from-file=enterprise1.lic,enterprise2.lic

You can create a LicenseManager that references this license by using the volumes and licenseUrl configuration parameters:

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: LicenseManager
  name: example
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    - name: licenses
        name: splunk-licenses
  licenseUrl: /mnt/licenses/enterprise.lic

volumes will mount the ConfigMap in your LicenseManager pod under the /mnt/licenses directory, and licenseUrl will configure Splunk to use the enterprise.lic file within it.

licenseUrl can reference more than one license.

licenseUrl: "/mnt/licenses/enterprise1.lic,/mnt/licenses/enterprise2.lic"

Note that licenseUrl may specify a local path or URL such as “https://myco.com/enterprise.lic”, and the volumes parameter can be used to mount any type of Kubernetes Volumes.

Configuring Standalone to use License Manager

Once a LicenseManager is created, you can configure your Standalone to use the LicenseManager by adding licenseManagerRef to its spec as follows:

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: Standalone
  name: example
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    name: example

Configuring Indexer Clusters to use License Manager

While configuring Indexer Clusters to use the LicenseManager, you need to add licenseManagerRef only to the ClusterManager spec as follows:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: ClusterManager
  name: example-cm
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    name: example
apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v3
kind: IndexerCluster
  name: example-idc
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    name: example-cm

In order to forward LicenseManager logs to the above Indexer Cluster, you need to add clusterManagerRef to the LicenseManager spec as follows:

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: LicenseManager
  name: example
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    - name: licenses
        name: splunk-licenses
  licenseUrl: /mnt/licenses/enterprise.lic
    name: example-cm

Using an External License Manager

Note that this requires using the Splunk Enterprise container version 8.1.0 or later

The Splunk Operator for Kubernetes allows you to use an external License Manager(LM) with the custom resources it manages. To do this, you will share the same pass4Symmkey between the global secret object setup by the operator & the external LM, and configure the splunk.license_master_url. The operator requires that the external LM have a configured pass4SymmKey for authentication.

Configuring pass4Symmkey:

There are two ways to configure pass4Symmkey with an External LM:

Approach 1

Approach 2

Configuring license_master_url:

Assuming that the hostname for your LM is license-manager.splunk.mydomain.com, you should create a default.yml file with the following contents:

  license_master_url: license-manager.splunk.mydomain.com

Next, save this file as a secret. In this example we are calling it splunk-license-manager:

kubectl create secret generic splunk-license-manager --from-file=default.yml

You can then use the defaultsUrl parameter and a reference to the secret object created above to configure any Splunk Enterprise custom resource to use your External LM:

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: Standalone
  name: example
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    - name: license-manager
        secretName: splunk-license-manager
  defaultsUrl: /mnt/license-manager/default.yml

Using an External Indexer Cluster

Note that this requires using the Splunk Enterprise container version 8.1.0 or later

The Splunk Operator for Kubernetes allows you to use an external cluster of indexers with its Standalone, SearchHeadCluster and LicenseManager resources. To do this, you will share the same IDXC pass4Symmkey between the global secret object setup by the operator & the external indexer cluster, and configure the splunk.cluster_master_url.

Configuring IDXC pass4Symmkey:

There are two ways to configure IDXC pass4Symmkey with an External Indexer Cluster:

Approach 1

Approach 2

Configuring cluster_master_url:

Assuming the hostname for your cluster manager is cluster-manager.splunk.mydomain.com, you should create a default.yml file with the following contents:

  cluster_master_url: cluster-manager.splunk.mydomain.com

Next, save this file as a secret. In the example here, it is called splunk-cluster-manager:

kubectl create secret generic splunk-cluster-manager --from-file=default.yml

You can then use the defaultsUrl parameter and a reference to the secret created above to configure any Splunk Enterprise custom resource to use your external indexer cluster:

apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v4
kind: SearchHeadCluster
  name: example
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - enterprise.splunk.com/delete-pvc
    - name: cluster-manager
        secretName: splunk-cluster-manager
  defaultsUrl: /mnt/cluster-manager/default.yml

Managing global kubernetes secret object

Creating global kubernetes secret object

Use the kubectl command to create the global kubernetes secret object:

  1. Verify the namespace. You can retrieve the namespace in the current context using kubectl config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={..namespace}'. Make a note of the output. If the command doesn’t display an output it indicates that we are in the default namespace. NOTE: If you already have a desired namespace, you can set current context to the same using the following command: kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<desired_namespace>

  2. Gather the password values for the secret tokens you want to configure. To see all available secret tokens defined for the global kubernetes secret object, review password management

  3. Create a kubernetes secret object referencing the namespace. Example: splunk-<desired_namespace>-secret. In the example below, we are creating the global kubernetes secret object, defining the default administrator and pass4Symmkey tokens, and passing in the values.
    kubectl create secret generic splunk-<desired_namespace>-secret --from-literal='password=<admin_password_value>' --from-literal='pass4SymmKey=<pass4Symmkey_value>'

Reading global kubernetes secret object

Once created, all secret tokens in the secret object are base64 encoded. To read the global kubernetes secret object you can use the following command:

kubectl get secret splunk-<desired_namespace>-secret -o yaml

A sample global kubernetes secret object with base64 encoded values looks like:

kubectl get secret splunk-default-secret -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
  hec_token: RUJFQTE4OTMtMDI4My03RkMzLThEQTAtQ0I1RTFGQzgzMzc1
  idxc_secret: VUY5dWpHU1I4ZmpoZlJKaWNNT2VMSUNY
  pass4SymmKey: dkFjelZSUzJjZzFWOHZPaVRGZk9hSnYy
  password: OHFqcnV5WFhHRFJXU1hveDdZMzY5MGRs
  shc_secret: ZEdHWG5Ob2dzTDhWNHlocDFiYWpiclo1
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: "2020-10-07T19:42:07Z"
  name: splunk-default-secret
  namespace: splunk-operator
  - apiVersion: enterprise.splunk.com/v3
    controller: false
    kind: SearchHeadCluster
    name: example-shc
    uid: f7264daf-4a3e-4b44-adb7-af52f45b45fe
  resourceVersion: "11433590"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/splunk-default-secret
  uid: d6c9a59c-1acf-4482-9990-cdb0eed56e87
type: Opaque

The kubectl command line tool can be used to decode the splunk secret tokens with the following command:

kubectl get secret splunk-<desired_namespace>-secret -o go-template='\n'

A sample global kubernetes secret object with tokens decoded looks like:

hec_token: EBEA1893-0283-7FC3-8DA0-CB5E1FC83375
idxc_secret: UF9ujGSR8fjhfRJicMOeLICX
pass4SymmKey: vAczVRS2cg1V8vOiTFfOaJv2
password: 8qjruyXXGDRWSXox7Y3690dl
shc_secret: dGGXnNogsL8V4yhp1bajbrZ5

Updating global kubernetes secret object

Use the kubectl command to update the global kubernetes secret object:

  1. Base64 encode the plain-text value of the secret token using the following command: echo -n <plain_text_value> | base64
  2. Obtain the key name for the secret token you are populating. The list of tokens is available in password management.
  3. Update the global kubernetes secret object using the key and the encoded value: kubectl patch secret splunk-<desired_namespace>-secret -p='{"data":{"<key_name_for_secret_token>": "<encoded_value>"}}' -v=1

Deleting global kubernetes secret object

Use the kubectl command to delete the global kubernetes secret object:

kubectl delete secret splunk-<desired_namespace>-secret