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Deployment Configuration

values.yaml is the main point of SC4SNMP management. You can check all the default values of Helm dependencies using the following command:

microk8s helm3 inspect values splunk-connect-for-snmp/splunk-connect-for-snmp > values.yaml

The whole file is divided into the following parts:

To configure the endpoint for sending SNMP data:

  • splunk - in case you use Splunk Enterprise/Cloud
  • sim - in case you use Splunk Observability Cloud. More details: sim configuration

For polling purposes:

For traps receiving purposes:

Shared components:

Shared values

All the components have the following resources field for adjusting memory resources:

      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 2Gi
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 2Gi

For more information about the concept of resources, see the kuberentes documentation.

There is an option to create common annotations across all services. It can be set by:

  annotation_key: annotation_value