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Components supported by UCC

Components are used by UCC to render the Inputs and Configuration pages. See the following list of the supported components.

For a detailed look at our component implementations and to interact with them in a live environment, visit our Storybook library.


See the underlying @splunk/react-ui component: Text.

See the following example usage:

    "type": "text",
    "label": "Name",
    "validators": [
            "type": "string",
            "errorMsg": "Length of Name should be between 1 to 50 characters.",
            "minLength": 1,
            "maxLength": 50
            "type": "regex",
            "errorMsg": "Name must begin with a letter and consist exclusively of alphanumeric characters and underscores.",
            "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z]\\w*$"
    "options": {
        "placeholder": "Required"
    "field": "name",
    "help": "Enter a unique name for this account.",
    "required": true

This is how it looks in the UI:


Text Area

See the underlying @splunk/react-ui component: TextArea.

The textarea component is very similar to the text component, but allows you to have a multi-line input for text.


Property Type Description Default Value
rowsMax number Maximum number of rows to display. 12
rowsMin number Minimum number of rows to display. 8

See the following example:

    "type": "textarea",
    "label": "Textarea Field",
    "field": "textarea_field",
    "help": "Help message",
    "options": {
        "rowsMin": 3,
        "rowsMax": 15
    "required": true

This is how it looks in the UI:


Single Select

A singleSelect is a feature that combines a drop-down box, and/or editable text field, giving the user multiple ways to input or select the desired information.

See the underlying @splunk/react-ui components: Select or Combo Box depending on the createSearchChoice option.

When the createSearchChoice option is set to true, the Singleselect component becomes a text input with auto-complete.

A clear button is visible to the right of the dropdown when this field is marked as required.


Property Type Description Default Value
disableSearch boolean It determines whether to show the filter box. When false, the children are automatically filtered based on the label. false
createSearchChoice boolean It allows the user to add arbitrary values. false
referenceName string Dropdown options will be generated via an API call to the service’s restHandler. -
endpointUrl string Dropdown options will be generated via an API call to that endpoint. -
allowList string It only accepts options that match the regex based on the name attribute when received via an API call using endpointUrl and referenceName. It is applied before denyList. -
denyList string It filters options that don’t match the regex based on the name attribute when received via an API call using endpointUrl and referenceName. -
labelField string TBD -
dependencies array It is used to update the options via an API call when the value of any field in the dependencies list is updated. -

See the following example usage:

Using referenceName option

    "type": "singleSelect",
    "label": "Example Account",
    "options": {
        "referenceName": "account"
    "help": "",
    "field": "account",
    "required": true

This is how it looks in the UI:


Using autoCompleteFields Options

    "type": "singleSelect",
    "label": "Proxy Type",
    "options": {
        "disableSearch": true,
        "autoCompleteFields": [
                "value": "http",
                "label": "http"
                "value": "socks5",
                "label": "socks5"
    "defaultValue": "http",
    "field": "proxy_type"

This is how it looks in the UI:


Using createSearchChoice option

    "type": "singleSelect",
    "label": "Index",
    "validators": [
            "type": "string",
            "errorMsg": "Length of index name should be between 1 to 80 characters.",
            "minLength": 1,
            "maxLength": 80
    "defaultValue": "default",
    "options": {
        "endpointUrl": "data/indexes",
        "denyList": "^_.*$",
        "createSearchChoice": true
    "field": "index",
    "required": true

This is how it looks in the UI:


Using autoCompleteFields option with groups

    "field": "singleSelectTest",
    "label": "Single Select Group Test",
    "type": "singleSelect",
    "options": {
        "createSearchChoice": true,
        "autoCompleteFields": [
                "label": "Group1",
                "children": [
                        "value": "one",
                        "label": "One"
                        "value": "two",
                        "label": "Two"
                "label": "Group2",
                "children": [
                        "value": "three",
                        "label": "Three"
                        "value": "four",
                        "label": "Four"

This is how it looks in the UI:



See the underlying @splunk/react-ui component: Switch.

See the following example usage:

    "type": "checkbox",
    "label": "Enable",
    "field": "proxy_enabled"

This is how it looks in the UI:



See the following example usage:

  "type": "checkboxGroup",
  "label": "CheckboxGroupTitle",
  "field": "api3",
  "options": {
    "groups": [
        "label": "Group 1",
        "options": {
          "isExpandable": true,
          "expand": true
        "fields": ["rowUnderGroup1"]
        "label": "Group 3",
        "options": {
          "isExpandable": true,
          "expand": true
        "fields": ["field223", "160validation"]
    "rows": [
        "field": "rowWithoutGroup",
        "input": {
          "defaultValue": 1,
          "required": true
        "field": "rowUnderGroup1",
        "checkbox": {
          "label": "Row under Group 1",
          "defaultValue": true
        "input": {
          "defaultValue": 1200,
          "required": false
        "field": "field223",
        "checkbox": {
          "label": "Required field",
          "defaultValue": true
        "input": {
          "required": true
        "field": "160validation",
        "checkbox": {
          "label": "from 1 to 60 validation"
        "input": {
          "validators": [
              "type": "number",
              "range": [1, 60]

This is how it looks in the UI:


The component maps and unmaps values into a single field in the format fieldName1/fieldValue2,fieldName2/fieldValue2, but only for checked rows. For the given example, it emits the following value: rowUnderGroup1/1200,rowWithoutGroup_2/3600.

Multiple Select

See the underlying @splunk/react-ui component: Multiselect.

Multiselect allows the user to select multiple options at once.


Property Type Description Default Value
items array An array of options with a label and a value. -
delimiter string It delimits each value of the field with a predefined character.
For example, In the data option_a|option_b, a vertical bar (the pipe character) delimits the two data items option_a and option_b.
createSearchChoice boolean It allows the user to add arbitrary values. false
referenceName string Dropdown options will be generated via an API call to the service’s restHandler. -
endpointUrl string Dropdown options will be generated via an API call to that endpoint. -
allowList string It only accepts options that match the regex based on the name attribute when received via API call using endpointUrl and referenceName. It is applied before denyList. -
denyList string It filters options that don’t match the regex based on the name attribute when received via API call using endpointUrl and referenceName. -
labelField string TBD -
dependencies array It is used to update options via an API call when the value of any field in the dependencies list is updated. -
autoCompleteFields array It is used to add options in the Single select or Multiple select component. -

See the following example usage:

    "type": "multipleSelect",
    "field": "test_multiselect",
    "label": "Test Multiselect",
    "options": {
        "delimiter": "|",
        "items": [
                "value": "option_a",
                "label": "Option A"
                "value": "option_b",
                "label": "Option B"

This is how it looks in the UI:


Radio Bar

See the underlying @splunk/react-ui component: RadioBar.

RadioBar is a component that provides the ability to select one option out of a group. It can be used when we need to select a field value from a few options.


Property Type Description Default Value
items* array This property is an array of options with a label and a value. -

See the following example usage:

    "field": "test_radio",
    "label": "Test Radio",
    "type": "radio",
    "defaultValue": "Yes",
    "required": false,
    "options": {
        "items": [
                "value": "yes",
                "label": "Yes"
                "value": "no",
                "label": "No"
        "display": true

This is how it looks in the UI:


See the underlying @splunk/react-ui component: Link.

It will open the link in a new tab.


Property Type Description Default Value
text* string It is a message to be displayed. -
link* string It is a link where the user will be redirected. -

See the following example usage:

    "field": "example_help_link",
    "label": "",
    "type": "helpLink",
    "options": {
        "text": "Help Link",
        "link": "",

This is how it looks in the UI:



See the underlying @splunk/react-ui component: File.

It supports files that can be opened in text mode or with a text editor, which are files with extensions such as txt, json, xml, yaml, pem, key, crt, etc.

It only sends file content to the server by reading it using the readAsArrayBuffer method of the FileReader class, and then decoding it into UTF-8 format, using the decode method of the TextDecoder class.

The file content can be validated using in-built validators such as string and regex, and a custom validator can also be implemented using a custom hook and saveValidator.

This feature allows you to upload a single file.


Property Type Description Default Value
fileSupportMessage string It displays a message inside a file component. -
supportedFileTypes* array It is a list of the file types that the user can upload. -
maxFileSize number It sets the maximum file size in KB that a user can upload. 500KB

See the following example usage:

    "type": "file",
    "label": "SA certificate",
    "help": "Upload service account's certificate",
    "field": "service_account",
    "options": {
        "fileSupportMessage": "Support message",
        "supportedFileTypes": ["pem", "txt"],
        "maxFileSize": 100
    "validators": [
            "type": "regex",
            "pattern": "(-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----(\n|\r|\r\n)([0-9a-zA-Z\+\/=]{64}(\n|\r|\r\n))*([0-9a-zA-Z\+\/=]{1,63}(\n|\r|\r\n))?-----END CERTIFICATE-----)"
    "encrypted": true,
    "required": true

This is how it looks in the UI:



The Oauth type entity enables us to use Oauth2.0 for user authentication. Visit the Oauth Support page to learn more.


Custom type entity enables us to create our own custom inputs within the Form components. As a result, we may include our own custom input fields on the form. Visit the Custom Control page to learn more.