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OpenAPI description document

OpenAPI’s description document is generated using the ucc-gen command. There has to be defined, valid globalConfig.json and app.manifest to have the document (appserver/static/openapi.json file) generated.

How to find the document?

Once ucc-gen command is executed, OpenAPI description document is located in the appserver/static output subdirectory.

One way to download it is through the button displayed on the top right corner of the configuration page.


When add-on is installed to Splunk instance, it is exposed via web and management interface, so is available under following addresses accordingly:

  • [protocol]://[domain]:[port]/en-GB/static/app/[appname]/openapi.json

(eg. http://localhost:8000/en-GB/static/app/Splunk_TA_cisco_meraki/openapi.json)

See the following resources for more information on working with the Splunk REST API (for example, how to authenticate):

Where can it be used?

The OpenAPI Description document can be used to create:

  • interactive documentation that generates simple curl requests to all documented endpoints (check this section for the relevant instructions).
  • automation that uses the simple requests to create more complex solutions such as:
    • orchestration
    • mass load or migration
    • automated tests.

Check swagger or other tools for more possibilities.

How to get curl commands and use them?


  • docker running
  • Splunk with your add-on installed


  1. Open * Alternatively, you can run your own instance of Swagger Editor by running the following command in terminal:

    docker run -p 8081:8080 swaggerapi/swagger-editor

    Then go to: http://localhost:8081/ 2. Load the OpenAPI description document (File > Import file) 3. Check domain and port values for your Splunk instance and Authorize 4. Select method-path pair (eg. GET - /splunk_ta_snow_settings/logging ) and “Try it out” 5. Define parameters and “Execute” 6. Copy curl value, paste to your terminal, ADD -k PARAMETER, and run

See Swagger Editor documentation for questions related to the tool.


  • SSL certificate problem

Make sure you added -k parameter to the curl command.

  • Unauthorized

Make sure you clicked the Authorize button, gave the username and password, and then clicked Authorize.

How do you generate Python client and then use it?


  • Docker running
  • Python installed
  • Splunk with your add-on installed


  1. Go to the directory where you downloaded openapi.json file
  2. Run the following command: docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/local openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate -i /local/openapi.json -g python -o /local/restapi_client * make sure openapi.json is in the current directory * you can generate clients for other languages as well - run

    docker run --rm openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate list

    to see the list of supported languages 3. The client should appear in restapi_client. Open that directory (cd restapi_client) 4. Install the client (pip install .) 5. See for an example of usage


In case of an SSL error (e.g. when connecting to localhost), you can disable verification:

configuration = openapi_client.Configuration(
    host = "https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/-/addon-name",
    username = "user",
    password = "pass",

configuration.verify_ssl = False

This option should only be used when connecting to a non-prod Splunk instance.