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.uccignore file

This feature can be used to remove files from the output after the UCC template files were copied and before the source of the add-on recursively overrides the output folder.

Place it in the same folder as the globalConfig file to have the effect.

Uccignore supports wildcard expressions, thanks to which we can find all files matching a specific pattern.

e.g. for given file structure

└── lib
    └── 3rdparty
    │   ├── linux
    │   ├   └── pycache.pyc
    │   ├── linux_with_deps
    │   ├   └── pycache.pyc
    │   └── windows
    │       └── pycache.pyc
    └── requests
    │       └── pycache.pyc
    └── urllib
            └── pycache.pyc

we can remove all .pyc files by adding lib/**/pycache.pyc to the .uccignore file. If we want to remove all .pyc files just from the 3rdparty directory, we need to change pattern to lib/3rdparty/**/pycache.pyc. If we want to remove only for one specific platform, we need to provide the exact path e.g. lib/3rdparty/windows/pycache.pyc.

In case no file is found for the specified pattern, you will see an appropriate warning message.